Groundcovers are an often-overlooked option for flower beds. They require little care, quickly fill in their allotted area, and provide a brilliant burst of color. There are also types that don’t bloom, but produce interesting foliage. Groundcovers help keep down weed growth and help curb erosion.

Beach Verbena

This is a perennial groundcover that can stabilize dunes and it’s equally at home in full sun landscapes inland. There are tall and short versions, with the shorter varieties making the best groundcover. They bloom profusely throughout the summer. Verbena is heat and drought tolerant, and available in colors of red, blue, purple, pink, lavender, white, and bi-colors.

Moss Roses

The delicate appearance of moss roses belies its hardiness. Sold as an annual, it will freely reseed itself even in northern climates. It requires full sun and is a semi-succulent. Blooms encompass single and double varieties in shades of red, yellow, white, pink, orange, scarlet and bi-colors. The groundcover will happily bloom all season. However, it can be poisonous to pets if ingested.

Sea Fig

Also known as ice plant, the succulent rarely grows over 6 in. in height. Bright pink, white or yellow blooms adorn the plants for most of the summer and into autumn. The foliage evergreen, but plants will experience some dieback in winter months. They’re resistant to drought, heat and salt, and honey bees find them very attractive. They like full sun, but will tolerate light shade.

Dwarf Chenille

It grows to about 6 in. in high and flowers in full sun to partial shade. Flowers are brighter red the more sun they receive. A relatively slow grower, it blooms more during warm weather, but will do so periodically throughout the year. The blossoms are upright and have a fuzzy appearance. It will even tolerate mowing to encourage new growth, as long as it’s not cut too short.

Sunshine Mimosa

This is a perennial legume that likes full sun to light shade. It’s also known as powderpuff mimosa. Blossoms are small and have the appearance of pink puff balls. Leaves are fernlike and will shrink back when touched. It’s a quick grower and excellent for areas where erosion is a problem.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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