South Florida is an ideal location for flowers that bloom year-round, providing vibrant color and
interest when other areas won’t support blossoms. There are a number of flowering plants and
shrubs that gardeners can grow for enticing color and beauty year-round.
Available in red, yellow, orange, purple, pink and white, it’s offered as a fast-growing vine and
low-growing shrub that will bloom off and on throughout the year.
Dwarf Morning Glory
When grown in South Florida, the non-vining plant can bloom year-round with brilliant blue
blossoms. It’s drought tolerant, deer resistant, attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, and
works great in rock gardens.
Also known as blanket flower, it resembles a daisy. The brilliant red and yellow blossoms are a
cheerful addition to the landscape. Flowers are profuse and long-lasting. It can be a skin irritant
to some people.
The plant has tubular, unconventional looking blooms, purple stems, and dark green foliage
with leaves that can attain 8 inches in length. Blossoms attract multiple butterfly species and
hummingbirds. It can grow several feet tall.
Gerbera Daisy
Bright, cheerful and welcoming, the flowers are available in red, yellow, orange, purple, pink,
white, and bi-colors. The centers can be light brown or yellowish to black. They’re a staple in
the cut flower industry and can last up to 10 days.
Available in single and double blossoms, each flower blooms for a single day, but the shrub is a
profuse bloom producer. Colors run the gamut and includes red, yellow, pink, and multicolor,
with contrasting centers. They’re also offered in white and purple, but are less common.

Also known as West Indian Jasmine, it’s noted for its ability to bloom year-round. Its flower
clusters can last 6 to 8 weeks. The shrub’s blossoms are available in red, yellow, orange, pink
and white.
Highly diverse, the flowers are available in single and double blooms, in erect and cascading
varieties, and in an almost unlimited range of single and bi-color blossoms.


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