Hurricane season officially begins in June and it’s incumbent upon every homeowner to prepare their garden for a worst-case scenario. Everyone should begin by performing an inspection of their property to check for dead and damaged tree limbs that can result in significant damage to houses and outbuildings.
Dead trees should be removed and don’t forget to check for shrubs that may be loosely rooted. If you have palm trees in your yard, don’t trim them or remove the fronds unless the fronds are already dead to avoid weakening the tree. You’ll also want to remove any large seeds or coconuts.
Drainage is always a problem from rain, even if a hurricane doesn’t make landfall. Make sure your storm drains are clear of debris. Check gutters and downspouts, clear them of debris, and ensure that they’re securely attached to the structure. If there are any loose shingles or tiles on the home or garage, have them repaired. Don’t drain your pool, as it can result in structural damage from the storm.
Yard Items
When you know a hurricane is coming, be sure to remove and store anything in the yard that could become loose, blow away, and become a projectile. That includes doghouses, wind chimes, lawn ornaments, BBQs and fire pits, lawn furniture, and playhouses. If an item can’t be stored inside, use tie downs.
Power off
Turn your sprinkler systems off to avoid the potential of adding more water to a landscape that will already be soaked and loosen root systems of trees. Plan ahead when creating a garden and landscape environment by installing plants that have a dense root system.
Turn off the power. Downed lines can cause dangerous electrical surges that can damage any device from water heaters to air conditioners. A power surge can also cause serious and costly damage to breaker boxes and even start a fire.
Be prepared
Download a reliable weather app to mobile devices to stay informed. Remember that cell towers are often damaged or downed in a hurricane and communication may be difficult. Most importantly, be safe. Personal possessions can always be replaced and gardens replanted.
RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.
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