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Maintaining Sprinklers

How to Repair Drought-Damaged Lawns

While droughts don’t occur that often in Florida, they do happen. Weather records since 1900
shows that at least once in every decade, a severe drought develops somewhere within the
state. Even for those fortunate enough to have an irrigation system, it may not be enough to
keep lawns green as water use restrictions may go into effect.
It’s important to remember that a drought afflicted lawn isn’t necessarily a dead lawn. Grass
can survive a drought, recover, and return to its lush, green appearance. Individuals shouldn’t
be surprised if they notice an increase in weed growth.
Dead or Dormant
The first step is to look at the lawn and determine if grass is really dead or dormant. If the
entire grass blades are brown, including the tips, the grass is dead and you’ll need to start from
scratch to grow a new lawn.
Grass that easily pulls out of the ground is dead, not dormant. Grass blades that are whitish in
color where the roots and grass shoots meet or if green shoots are present, the lawn survived
the drought.
Be careful not to over water following a drought. Plying the lawn with too much moisture
results in shallow roots and encourages disease, insect and weed infestations. Water may not
soak into soil easily, leading to erosion. It’s better to underwater after a drought than to
over water.
It’s going to take some time for the grass to recover. When it’s eventually time to begin
mowing, set the mower to a higher setting. Once the lawn has fully recovered, individuals can
begin mowing at the usual height.
Aeration allows the soil to breathe and absorb more nutrients Moisture will be absorbed
deeper into the soil, encouraging deeper root growth.

Be careful not to over fertilize to avoid “burning” the grass and use a slow release type that will
last for several months. Nutrients are released over time to keep grass nourished. Those
nutrients will also fuel weed growth – pull weeds out by the roots.

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Flowering Annuals Will Last All Summer

An exploration of any nursery will yield an abundance of colorfully blooming annual plants. The problem with choosing annuals is that they’re typically offered during spring when they’re blooming profusely, but that may not last. There are a number of annuals that will bloom all summer long to add beauty and interest to your garden.


They make great container plants and can be grown in beds. Offered in blue, violet, pink and white, they grow well in full sun or light shade.


Annual geraniums will tolerate partial shade, but prefer full sun. They’re available in solid and bi-colors in shades of red, orange, white, lavender, pink and salmon.

Fan Flower

The annuals from Australia are pest resistant and drought tolerant. They’re excellent for growing in baskets, containers, and can be used as a bedding plant. They come in colors of blue, purple, white and pink, don’t need to be deadheaded, and do best in full sun to part shade.


Offered in red, purple, violet, yellow, white and pink, they perform best in partial shade where they get 4 hours of filtered sun.


The cheery blooms of red, yellow, orange and bi-colors in single and double blossoms are a welcome addition to any garden. Easy to grow, they bloom profusely all summer.

Moss Rose

The succulents readily self-sow, bloom profusely, do best in full sun, and tolerate dry conditions. Available with single and double blooms, colors encompass pink, yellow, white, orange, salmon, red, peach and lavender.

Tuberous Begonias

The plants are known for their long bloom season, but they require protection from the hot summer sun. They do best with partial shade where they receive 4 to 6 hours of morning sun. They’re available in single and double blooms in colors of red, yellow, orange, pink and salmon.


The tall, profuse bloomers like full sun. Their colors include red, purple, white, lavender, yellow, pink and orange, along with bi-colors. Hybridization has also created a pure green variety.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Which Grass is Best for South Florida?

South Florida residents have many choices when it comes to lawn grass. The climate is conducive to growing grasses that thrive in warmth and humidity. Many residents sow a mix of warm and cool weather grasses to ensure a lush lawn even during transitional months. The following are some of the best grass choices for South Florida.

St. Augustine Grass

St. Augustine grass is favored as it grows quickly, tolerates shade, and is drought and salt tolerant. It does best when kept cut to a height of 2 to 4 inches, but isn’t as soft as some grasses. It does go dormant during winter months, which is why other types are usually sown with St. Augustine grass. It withstands high foot traffic.

Buffalo Grass

If you have difficult soil, Buffalo grass is the answer. Blue-green in color, it hates shade, thrives in high temperatures and sun, and is highly adaptable. It tends to stay green year-round. It doesn’t like overwatering and does best when kept to heights of 1½ to 3 inches.

Bermuda Grass

Bermuda grass doesn’t mind being cut to a height of 1 to 1 ½ inches, which makes it popular for athletic fields and golf courses. The grass is able to withstand heat and direct sun. It’s a dense grower and discourages weed growth.

Zoysia Grass

Known for its ability to withstand heat, drought and medium foot traffic, it’s a tough species that does well in sun or shade. It’s a relatively slow grower, low maintenance, and can be mowed to a height of 1 to 1½ inches. It has a deep root system and is resistant to weed growth and disease. The grass doesn’t require much water or fertilizer, but doesn’t stay green year-round.

Bahia Grass

The roots of Bahia grass run deep, allowing it to survive drought conditions and it can even do well without an irrigation system. That resilience allows it to stand up to heavy foot traffic, thrive in sandy soils, and do well in full sun. It has a coarse texture and was originally used in pasture lands.

Centipede Grass

Centipede grass likes acidic and sandy soils and is best maintained at 1½ to 3 inches high. It typically doesn’t require fertilizer and is low maintenance. It grows aggressively, but relatively slowly, so you won’t need to mow as often. Centipede grass may go dormant during drought conditions. It’s a thick grower that aids in keeping out invasive weeds.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Signs of a Stressed Lawn

A beautiful, healthy lawn is an invitation to play. However, lawns can become stressed for any number of reasons. Many individuals try to address the situation on their own, but doing so can exacerbate the problem. It’s best to consult with a professional that has the knowledge and experience to diagnose the underlying cause and treat it accordingly.

A stressed lawn can take many forms and the same symptoms can be the result of different causes. Heat, over or under watering, drought, weeds, insects, the need for aeration, and even excessive foot traffic can cause a lawn to brown, weaken, and look unkempt. Improper fertilization and mowing practices can actually harm a lawn.

Brown or Bare Spots

Depending on the cause and the stage of stress the lawn is under, the tips on grass blades may begin to turn brown. Similarly, spots within the lawn that turn brown or become bare may be a sign of stress from an insect infestation.

Color Change

Grass will often turn colors when stressed. It may turn a darker shade of green or take on a gray hue.

Curling and Wilting

Grass that’s stressed will typically curl, try to fold in half long ways, or wilt to save itself from whatever is challenging its ability to survive.

Grass Doesn’t Spring Back

The footprint test is easy to conduct and is a sure indication of a stressed lawn. Footprints that remain visible long after someone has walked on the grass is a sure sign of stress. Even the popular and hardy St. Augustine grass can suffer stress from multiple causes.


When homeowners begin to notice weeds popping up in their formerly great looking lawn, it’s a sure sign that the lawn isn’t getting what it needs for lush growth that will aid in drowning out the weeds.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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How Landscaping Can Help Sell Your House

People trying to sell their home hear a lot about curb appeal and landscaping is an essential element for anyone that wants to make their property more attractive to buyers. There’s a myriad of effective and inexpensive ways to make a home look more appealing when viewed from the road.

Plant Flowers

A few well-placed bursts of color will create a warm and welcoming appearance that brightens up any property. Drought-resistant plants that also have attractive blooms are a bonus. They don’t require as much care or water so they save on watering costs and are particularly popular with eco-friendly buyers.

Mulch is a Friend

Mulch has a multitude of benefits and works to present a sophisticated appearance. The use of mulch will aid in suppressing weed growth, help retain moisture for plants, and enhance soil quality.

Clean it Up

Clutter on the outside of a home is just as bad as it is for the interior when trying to sell a property. Keep the lawn mowed and remove debris and any tree twigs. Make sure to rake any dead grass areas and under trees and bushes. For those with patios, walkways and paved drives, make sure paving and stones are moss free and no cracked concrete is visible. Clean-up also includes pruning dead branches and overgrown bushes for a tidy appearance.

Hire a Landscaper

Homeowners don’t have to contract for a full-scale renovation project. Professional landscapers can help with tree and hedge trimming, repairing damaged irrigation systems, sowing grass seed in bare spots, and mulching.

Make it Happy

A property that has been landscaped looks happy and commands a significantly higher price. Even little things can make a big difference to a buyer and the strategies don’t have to be costly to implement. Ideally, homeowners should begin their efforts approximately a month before the property goes on the market. For those that don’t have the time to perform the tasks themselves or are unable to do so, a professional landscaper is an ideal solution.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

Contact RCH Landscaping Today for a Free Estimate


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