winter lawn maintenance

Residential Landscaping Company Boca

Your Lawn Requires Fewer Cuts in the Winter Time

South Florida residents are proud of their lawns and rightly so. During the winter months when other U.S. locations are suffering with cold and snow, Florida temperatures are warm, mild, and green things are still growing. A big concern for many residents is managing their lawn during cooler months and the No. 1 rule is don’t cut it as often.

Many people have lawns comprised of warm-season grasses, such as St. Augustine grass, which tends to grow much slower in cooler winter temperatures. For that reason, ryegrass is often overplanted so lawns will remain vibrant and green. Ryegrass is a cool-weather grass that does great during South Florida winters for a green lawn year-round.


It’s important for individuals to understand that their lawn will need less mowing during the winter months. Cutting it too often will result in a lawn that appears weak and unhealthy. Even ryegrass, which grows well in cooler weather, will still grow at a slower rate. Warm weather St. Augustine grass will still continue to grow during colder months, but at a much slower rate.


Another factor that affects lawn growth and frequency of mowing in the winter is rainfall. October to May is the dry season in Florida and less rain means slower grass growth. Lawns typically need about 1 inch of rain during winter months.

That amount provides enough moisture to reach the roots without saturating the soil and creating runoff. If precipitation falls below that level, those with irrigation systems will need to have them adjusted to deliver the appropriate amount of water.

A word of warning about fertilizer – don’t do it during the winter. Fertilizing the lawn during winter won’t make the grass grow better, longer or lusher and can actually harm it. Lawns should be maintained at a height of about 3 inches for optimal health.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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South Florida Winter Lawn Care

Residents of South Florida are fortunate in that they still have the opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities even in the winter while their counterparts in northern climates are buried under a blanket of snow. A green lawn in winter begins with proper preparation. The following are some tips to help keep lawns healthy and green.


Stop fertilizing in September or October. Grass growth will naturally slow during the winter months. Fertilizing during that time will undo all the care taken during the summer and if the grass doesn’t die, it can be severely damaged.


Overseed the lawn with grass that grows well in the winter to maintain a green yard in the winter. The winter grass will die off and disappear by the time summer grass begins to grow again. Be sure to mow the lawn before seeding. Remove any weeds and debris and attend to any fungal concerns. Ryegrass is an inexpensive winter option that has a good germination rate and it’s a fast grower.


Individuals will want to alter their watering or irrigation patterns for winter and it’s a good time to have irrigation systems checked. There’s less evaporation occurring during the winter. The same watering habits utilized in the summer will result in standing water and can lead to disease and fungal infections in the lawn.

A good way to identify when to water is to observe the grass blades. If they’re folding in half longways or footprints remain visible in the grass after walking on it, it’s time to water.


Individuals also have the option of lawn colorants that provide the appearance of a lush, green lawn during months in which maintaining the desired coloration can be a problem. It’s the same technique employed on sports fields and golf courses, but coloration should only be performed by a lawn care specialist. Using a colorant is a short-term solution and a regular lawn care regimen will still need to be maintained.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

Contact RCH Landscaping Today for a Free Estimate


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