Warm Weather Perennials

One of the best things about perennials is that they’re planted once and they come back year after year. They deserve a special place in every landscape and depending on the selection, they’re equally appropriate as specimen plants, in beds, and as groundcovers. They can even be planted by bloom times to create a continuous cascade of flowers.

South Florida’s climate provides gardeners with a wide variety of perennial selections from which to choose. There are literally dozens of perennials that offer bountiful blossoms and a rainbow of colors. Many also act as magnets to honeybees, butterflies and hummingbirds.


The darlings of gardeners everywhere, in South Florida they provide interest year-round. They’re bountiful bloomers in shades of red, white, yellow, orange, and pink. Begonias can be used as hanging plants or in containers, trailing types can be trained to climb, and they can be planted directly into beds. They’re offered in single and double flowering types.


The plant can grow up to 3 ft. tall with flowers that can range from peach and apricot to vivid orange. It’s a prolific bloomer with some species that prefers partial shade, while others do best with full sun. They’re highly attractive to butterflies.

Egyptian Star Flower

The flowers appear in clusters of red, blue, pink and lavender. They’re heat tolerant, prolific bloomers, and will need 4-6 hours of full sun each day. Growing 18-22 inches in height, they’re also disease resistant and are particularly attractive to bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

Shrimp Plant

Shrimp plant is available in pink to salmon colored varieties, along with golden shrimp plant that has bright, yellow flower bracts and white blossoms. It prefers full sun, but can withstand partial shade. Depending on the variety, it can range in height from 18-48 inches. Butterflies find the golden variety especially attractive.

Flowers for Every Need

There are dozens of perennial flower varieties that will thrive in South Florida’s climate and offer months of beautiful blossoms. Many also have the benefit of providing a valuable food source for hummingbirds and pollinators that include bees and butterflies. Gardeners are really only limited to what their imaginations can envision.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Landscaping for Privacy

Obtaining a degree of privacy is becoming an increasingly difficult proposition for people, even in their own yards. The good news is that homeowners have access to multiple landscaping techniques and strategies to obtain the privacy they crave that also beautifies their property. Anyone can have an immediate privacy solution with the innovative options now available.


One of the newer trends in privacy barriers is fabric curtains of waterproof materials placed in strategic areas. They require a framework that must be erected and depending on how they’re installed, can also provide protection from sun and wind.


People have been using fences for centuries to protect property, possessions, and privacy. Fencing is available in wood, metal, vinyl, concrete, stone, brick, and a variety of innovative materials that can even withstand hurricane force winds.


One of the most commonly used methods of carving out some privacy, a hedge provides a living, eco-friendly barrier that also offers cover and hiding spots for birds. Hedges can be created from a wide range of traditional bushes, bamboo, and evergreens to accommodate multiple needs and preferences.

Latticework and Trellises

Latticework and trellises can provide a screen, but won’t offer the same degree of privacy as a fence or hedge. A latticework barrier or trellis also provides a frame against which flowering vines can be planted for additional coverage and beautification options.

Raised Beds

Raised beds provide additional height, allowing homeowners to plant smaller, low-maintenance, and dwarf species. It’s particularly beneficial for smaller yards, spaces where full-size plant varieties aren’t an appropriate fit.

Vertical Grids

These are finding favor with urban dwellers and involve support structures installed in such a way that enables vertical growing of multi-level flowers, herbs, vines, and vegetables. Vertical growing is typically used to create an alcove of privacy in smaller yards.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Landscape on a Budget

There are a variety of ways to add interest to residential landscapes that are inexpensive. Most people automatically think of plants in regard to landscapes, but landscaping also encompasses pathways, fountains, ponds, statuary, and even mulching can make a significant change in the appearance and care of landscapes. With a little imagination, anyone can create innovative, one-of-a-kind solutions on a budget.


A firepit is a great place to gather with family and friends to spend leisure time. Consider purchasing concrete retaining wall blocks or cinder blocks to create a DIY firepit. Even rocks can be used to build a homemade firepit. The materials can be fashioned into any shape or height to accommodate individual space requirements. It doesn’t have to be big to be effective.


LED string lights emit more illumination than traditional bulbs so individuals can use fewer of them and they’re much cheaper to operate. One advantage is that they can be strung horizontally, vertically, placed in trees, and around flower beds. Rope lighting is another low-cost option.


Adding mulch around plants, bushes and trees will give landscapes an updated appearance, aid in reducing weed growth, and save money on watering costs. Mulch is available in multiple forms encompassing wood and cocoa chips, stone, specially processed rubber, and lava rock.


A planter can add warmth and provide a focal point. Inexpensive planters of wood, plastic and pottery can be found at yard sales and second hand stores. Ordinary items such as rubber tires and almost any type of jars or bottles can be painted and repurposed into a planter. Even old wooden pallets and ladders can be transformed into tiered, vertical planters rather than horizontal options.


A wide variety of gently used furniture can be found at yard sales and thrift shops for outdoor seating. Sealants can be used to waterproof wood and similar materials. Waterproof cushions can be added for additional comfort.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Yard transformation

What it Takes to Maintain Your new Landscape

Once your new landscape is completed, there are things you’ll need to do to maintain it and you have two choices – do it yourself or hire a professional. You may want to know when to fertilize, prune, take the stakes off young trees, or how often to mow.


Your landscaper will have applied fertilizer when he/she installed the plantings. The best time for fertilizing lawns and other plantings is in the spring when they’ll be gathering nutrients to produce new leaves or buds. Check to see if there are any restrictions in your area in regard to fertilizing.


If sod was laid in your new landscape, the first mowing can take place about 14 days later. The optimal height for lawn grass is approximately 2 ½ inches. At each mowing, you should never remove more than 1/3 of the grass blade to ensure continued good growth.


Chances are your new trees, bushes or hedges won’t need trimming for quite some time. Avoid heavy pruning whenever possible and always trim during the winter season. Pruning and trimming stimulates new growth, which also means your plants will need more moisture.

Tree Stakes

There are no hard and fast rules about removing tree stakes. Trees typically anchor themselves sufficiently in 6-12 months. Keeping a tree staked too long will hinder and stunt its growth. One of the ways trees develop strong trunks is by moving freely in the breeze.


A new landscape will require water and unless you’ve installed a programmable irrigation system, you’ll have to take care of the task yourself. Always water during the coolest parts of the day – it allows moisture to go into the ground and minimize evaporation in the heat.

Weed Control

Weeds are especially bad for flower beds. They rob the soil of nutrients needed by any new plantings. If the beds were installed by a landscaper, chances are an under layer of plastic was laid and mulch was applied. Both work to prevent weeds, but homeowners should be vigilant. Many weeds have very small seeds that can easily gain a footing.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Landscaping for Dry Areas

Gardening and landscaping in dry areas can present special challenges. Traditional plantings can be cultivated, but it will be extremely expensive to fight the climate and require a considerable investment of time. The best solution is to compromise with Mother Nature to arrive at some spectacular results. Low-water gardens and landscapes have rapidly gained in popularity across the nation.

They require less maintenance and offer considerable savings in water costs. Even in humid conditions that prevail in Florida, many individuals discover that they have areas within their landscape that are drier than others. For those that don’t have irrigation systems, there are solutions that can save money and transform dry areas into an oasis. The following are just a few ideas for landscaping in dry areas.

Artificial Grass

Lawns require a lot of water and maintenance. By installing artificial grass, individuals won’t be using water to maintain the lawn and there’s no fertilizing or mowing necessary.

Container Gardening

For dry areas of the landscape, don’t overlook the opportunities available in container gardening. It’s easier to care for plants in containers, they require less maintenance, and water requirements are lower.

Ornamental Grass

There are dozens of ornamental grasses available in multiple heights that are ideal for dry areas. They add interest and can be helpful in areas where soil erosion is a concern.

Pick Perennials

For individuals that can’t do without some colorful blossoms, perennials require little care and can produce spectacular flowers. Many varieties are drought-resistant or drought-tolerant, making them ideal for dry areas.

Rock, Stone and Pavers

Consider creating pathways with pavers, mulching with stone, or creating rock pathways for a look that’s contemporary, requires no water, and is low-maintenance. It will also aid in reducing the size of the lawn that has to be mowed, watered, and fertilized.


Plants classified as succulents run the gamut from low-level cacti to upright flowering species. They require little water, are low-maintenance, and come in a multitude of shapes, colors and textures. Succulents can produce lush foliage in multiple shades of green and can be an excellent choice for coastal areas.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Saving Money on Your Next Landscaping Project

Everyone likes to save money and that’s especially true with landscaping projects. It can be expensive to create the landscape of your dreams and many people don’t realize how many options they have or the extraordinary results that can be accomplished with a little imagination. The following are just some of the ways you can save on your next landscaping project.

Mixing, Matching and Sales

Fantastic, low cost elements for the landscape can be found at yard sales and end-of-season sales. It doesn’t matter whether you’re searching for lawn furniture, tools, plants, or unique decorative items, inexpensive additions can often be found in unexpected places.

Plant for the Climate

An English garden design in an arid landscape is going to cost a fortune in water and maintenance. Measures like companion planting and mulching will allow you to have some of what you envision while compromising with soil and climate.


Instead of ripping everything out and starting from scratch, consider repurposing some of the elements you may already have. Bricks, fencing, decorative features, and plantings ranging from flowers to trees can be moved and reused in the new design.

Slopes and Inclines

Leveling and moving soil around can be expensive. Rather than filling or removing soil, consider planting ground covers. They can produce beautiful flowers that provide food for bees and butterflies, while helping to arrest erosion.

Start Small

There’s joy to be found in starting your own plants and nurturing them until they’re large enough for the garden rather than purchasing full grown specimens. Instead of large urns by the front door, start with smaller flower pots or even consider using a couple of hanging plants instead.

Think of the Future

Landscapes aren’t static. They evolve and change over time. Envision how your landscape will appear even five years into the future, along with how much time, money, and maintenance it will require. Your circumstances may change and you’ll want a landscape you can continue to enjoy throughout various stages of your life. It may be tempting to plant all your favorites, but resist overplanting.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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How to Choose a Landscape Designer

One of the most important steps any homeowner can make before engaging the services of a landscape designer is to know what they want. There’s a big difference between a landscape facelift and a complete makeover. Knowing what they want before hiring a landscape designer will help him/her create the desired features. Provide as much information to the designer as possible about available space, soil types, and existing plantings.

Research is Imperative

Having a solid idea of the available budget toward realizing a dream landscape is essential. Once individuals have a ballpark figure of how much they have to spend, add an additional one-third of that amount to the final cost.

Research is equally important about the designer. Narrow the search to a top three and don’t be afraid to ask for references from former customers. The designer should be licensed, bonded, insured, and have professional affiliations, education, and experience.


Understanding the style of the proposed landscape is a critical concern. It will be governed by elements ranging from how the space will be used, how often, and the style of the surrounding architecture. Engage a design expert that specializes in the preferred style.

Collaborative Effort

It’s important that the project be a collaborative effort between the homeowner and the design expert. The landscape expert can offer creative suggestions about features, materials, plantings, and alternatives for space considerations. He/she should encourage questions and explain why each element is appropriate.

Understand the Process

A landscape designer should be able to explain in detail how long the process will take and provide a written estimate. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a landscape facelift or a complete makeover, understanding the process and the time required will make the wait easier as individuals watch their new outdoor space take shape.

Significant Investment

Making changes to the landscape is a major undertaking and represents a significant financial investment. Individuals shouldn’t sign a contract or commit to any work unless they’re completely satisfied with the design. Those that prefer environmentally-friendly solutions should search for a landscape designer that specializes in green practices.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Adding Potted Plants Around the Pool

Any pool area can benefit from plants, but placing them in pots is much preferable to planting them in the ground. Depending on the species, they may have far-reaching roots that can damage the pool and the surrounding hardscape. Plants are beautiful and desirable, but they also have the potential to drop pollen, leaves, and blossoms into the pool and clog filters.

Potted plants require less water, time and maintenance, while providing all the benefits of a lush pool environment. Depending on the selected species, they can provide color, texture, privacy, and shade. Some of the best potted plants for around the pool include the following that are able to withstand full sun and being splashed with pool water.

Flowering Plants

For individuals that enjoy blossoms, there are annuals and perennials that can be placed in pots around the pool. The disadvantage is that they produce vegetative debris that can find its way into the water and filters if they’re planted too closely to the pool. They can be used sparingly in containers to add a splash of dramatic color.

Palms and Cycads

Small species of palms can be the perfect accompaniment to the pool environment, such as Mediterranean Fan Palm, that can produce fronds up to six feet long. Palms and cycads have the advantage of slow growth. The sago palm is a form of cycad, a hold-over from the dinosaur age that enjoys rocky and sandy soils. Palms and cycads typically grow from 3-5 feet, but some are capable of reaching heights of 10 feet, so choose carefully. Smaller species of cycads are bushier and more closely related to pines.


There are dozens of succulent species that can survive on less water than other types of plants, love the sun, are easy to grow, and require little maintenance. They encompass more than just cacti and can have lush foliage. Be careful when planting cacti and don’t place them too near the pool to avoid injuries to people and pets.


Yuccas love full sun and are low-maintenance. They also have the distinction of being the primary source of food for the yucca moth. In turn, the moths are the only pollinators of the yucca. Pool owners will be doing the stately plants a favor and providing essential sustenance and cover for the delicate white moths.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Residential Landscaping company Boca Raton

Ways to Increase Curb Appeal

Homeowners see their house every day and it’s easy to become accustomed to viewing exterior flaws that potential buyers would find objectionable. There’s only one opportunity to make a first impression and that’s also true of homes. Individuals don’t have to spend a fortune to increase the curb appeal of their domicile and there are easy ways to make a house more attractive to buyers.


Exposed trash cans, electrical boxes, generators and central air units are unsightly. Electrical boxes can be painted to match the siding on the home, while other features can be hidden with a stylish fence or panel.


Painting the front door will brighten the appearance and make it stand out from others. Be sure to match the color to the rest of the home. A new and distinctive door knob completes the picture and owners can choose from traditional or digital locks. Remove cobwebs and debris from around entryways. Consider a welcoming wreath on the front door.


Some cheerful flowering plants along walkways and by doorways offer an inviting image. Be sure to clip or trim any hedges or bushes, paying particular attention to those that may obstruct views. Keep the lawn groomed and edgings neatly trimmed.


It’s easy to overlook gutters, but don’t forget to give them a thorough cleaning to remove debris. Scrubbing the outside will restore them to a near new appearance.

House Numbers

The numbers on the home need to be clear and obvious. Try a trendy style that matches the architecture of the home, but something that grabs attention.


Adding some attractive motion sensor lighting will enhance appeal and safety. LED bulbs are especially desirable as they emit more light than traditional bulbs and they’re more economical to operate.


Installing a new, stylish mailbox is a small change that can make a major difference in perception, whether it’s a free-standing model or attached to the house.

Outdoor Furnishings

Too little outdoor furniture gives the impression that no one wants to spend time there, while too much creates a cluttered look. Make sure that existing furniture is clean and in good condition – if not, remove it.

Power Washing

Schedule a power wash for the exterior of the home, or rent one as a DIY project, to remove built up dirt, grime and algae.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Small Flowering Trees South Florida Edition

Small trees are an often overlooked option in the landscape of homes and businesses. They’re an ideal solution for smaller properties and their vibrant and unusual flowers provide visual interest. Many are salt-tolerant and can be used to create a screen, while others provide shade and remain compact enough to preserve a specific view. Some of the best flowering trees for Florida encompass the following, in no particular order.


The plant’s scientific name is Plumeria, but it’s also known as Frangipani. Its ugly duckling appearance in the winter is misleading. Blooms of red, white, yellow, pink and multi-colors transform it into a tropical showcase as it flowers profusely from spring to autumn. The blossoms are fragrant, used to make leis in Hawaii, and in lotions, candles and perfumes. It can grow up to 20 ft., is drought and salt tolerant, and is both a succulent and deciduous.


There are several different types of the japonica species. The most petite is the Desert Cassia. It grows fairly quickly to a height of 10 ft., flowers in the spring and autumn, is salt tolerant, and attracts butterflies. The tree is also known as “scrambled egg tree” and “golden shower tree” due to its prolific yellow blossoms. Its cousin, Cassia surattensis, grows from 12-15 ft. in height and tolerates salt.


The compact/dwarf version will amaze with blooms every day of the year. It has small red flowers, can be grown as a bush, or trained as a single-trunk tree. It attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. It’s one of the smallest of the species, but quickly grows to about eight ft., and is drought tolerant.

Red Cluster Bottlebrush

This is a showy specimen featuring bright red flowers. Homeowners can cultivate it as a single or multi-trunk tree or a bush. Excellent for small yards and as an accent plant, the flower spikes resemble a bottlebrush and appear periodically throughout the year. It’s highly attractive to honey bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. A weeping version is also available and both are moderately tolerant to salt and can grow up to 25 ft. high.

Pick a Favorite

No matter what size yard or the preferred blossom color, there’s a small tree to accommodate any need in Florida. The temperate climate and mild winters allow dozens of small flowering trees to thrive, providing interest, beauty, and nectar for wildlife.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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