palm tree installation

Beautiful Palm Trees

Palm trees are a favorite of many individuals and they have a prominent place in the landscapes of South Florida. They flourish in the climate and there’s a myriad of species from which to choose. The following are some popular choices and will provide a beautiful addition to any landscape.

Canary Island Date

Native to the Canary Islands as the name indicates, it’s also known as the pineapple palm. While the dates it produces are edible, they’re not of the highest quality. The tree’s primary value is as an ornamental that grows 33 to 66 ft. tall. There are records noting rare instances of specimens attaining heights of 131 ft.

Royal Palm

Tall and stately, royal palms grow 1 to 2 ft. per year with a mature height of 50 to 80 ft., though 90 ft. heights are possible. They produce fragrant cream-colored blossoms and dark purple fruits called nuts. It can be grown indoors with sufficient light, but won’t attain its natural height. It’s resistant to a variety of insect pests and diseases.

Cat Palm

With a maximum height of 6 to 8 ft. and a fluffy appearance, its an excellent choice for growing indoors. It’s often used as a dense, short screen when grown outdoors. It’s a type of cluster palm that doesn’t have a central stem, but rather a clump of stems. It’s a slow growing palm.

Silver Date

Silver date palm is just one of the common names by which the Sylvester palm is known. It’s a slow growing species ranging from 13 to 52 ft., depending on conditions. It’s popular landscaping tree for around pools, as an accent tree and lining streets. The tree has white to yellow blossoms, the fruit can be used to make jelly and wine, and the fronds are silvery-blue in color. Date palms are some of the oldest species in the world.


Growing from 30 to 60 ft. in height, the palm can attain growth rates of 2 to 3 ft. per year under optimal  conditions. It should be planted away from buildings due to its wide root system and large crown. Foliage is silver-blue.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Different Tree Shapes to Accent your Yard

Trees have a wide variety of growth habits and that diversity can add special interest to any landscape. Knowing the shape of a tree is an important facet when choosing a new tree to plant in the landscape.

Classifying tree shapes doesn’t always depend on a tree’s silhouette, but on the manner in which the branches grow. The trick is matching the shape and growth habit with the landscape environment. Different varieties within the same species can also demonstrate varying shapes. Those are just some of the reasons why it pays to consult with a landscaping expert for guidance.


These grow in same shape as the name implies. Columnar trees present a formal appearance and are tidy with uniform branch lengths. Examples are arborvitae, Lombardy poplar, Italian cypress, some junipers, and Japanese holly. There are also specially developed columnar fruit trees.


The branches in this group of trees appear to grow vertically or almost horizontally to the trunk. They tend to be tall, narrow and erect in growth. Some junipers and yews are in this grouping, along with thujas of the cypress family.


Regular, rounded tops are the earmarks of these trees. When planted in rows along a drive they provide a stately appearance. A good example is the Black maple and some flowering dogwoods fit the classification.


These trees tend to be massive in size and often have a blocky appearance. The branches are horizontal along the entire trunk and can overwhelm small environments. Red and White oaks and Red cedars are some examples.


The trees in this group often have no exact or definable shape. A good example is the honey mesquite.


Trees with oval shaped heads are often lumped into the same category as those with rounded heads. Examples include green mountain ash, Bradford pear, and Norway maples.


This is a very large grouping that includes conifers and deciduous trees. They can create a dramatic effect in the landscape. The Dawn redwood, Colorado blue spruce, some cedars and cypresses.


An umbrella-shaped tree is exactly like it sounds and resembles an open umbrella. Acacias, Japanese maples, and palo verdes are in this category.


These trees are small at the bottom and open up gracefully like a vase at the top. They provide shade without inhibiting the headroom of those walking beneath them. Crape myrtles, redbuds, and American elms are good examples.


Willows are the most expressive example of this category, though there are also a variety of other species that exhibit the weeping growth habit that includes some birches, cherries, hemlock, and weeping white pine.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Messy Florida Trees

Florida residents have an exceptional variety of trees that will grow in the environment. Unfortunately, many people may view the blooms or fruit of a particular tree specimen and plant in their own landscape without fully understanding its habits.

Messy Florida trees are a common problem due to leaf drop and drippy sap, along with fruits that can fall causing injury to people, pets, and property. Planting evergreens won’t alleviate the problem. Conifers also shed their needles and produce pine cones that will need to be removed.


They produce an unbelievable amount of pollen that attracts insects. The fruits are tasty and attract wildlife, but are sticky when they fall to the ground and stain paint jobs and driveways.

Northern Catalpa

An interesting tree with heart-shaped flowers, they produce fluffy blooms and that fluff blows around easily in the wind. It sheds leaves and pieces of bark all year and the long seed pods require considerable time to rake. The tree is frequently infested with catalpa worms, though the caterpillars make good fish bait.


The trees produce a lot of litter ranging from leaf fall to sweet and succulent fruit that’s extremely sticky. Pawpaw blooms also have a disadvantage before they fall and make a mess on the ground. Many people have likened their smell to that of rotting flesh.


They provide a great supply of pecans for people and wildlife that’s encased in an inner and outer shell. They shed leaves that can clog drains, ooze sap, and shed twigs on a regular basis. A stiff wind can bring down large branches.

Southern Magnolia

Beautiful in bloom and fragrance, petals will carpet the ground when they fall. The tree also sheds leaves year-round. It produces hard fruit called cones that can be a dangerous projectile if hit with a mower.

Sweet Gum

They drop their leaves in the autumn, but the biggest disadvantage is seeds/fruits that are hard, round, spiky balls. They’re painful to people and pets if stepped on and the trees tend to ooze sap.


A stately oak is a beauty to behold – until it begins dropping leaves, branches and acorns. Some oak species are less likely to drop twigs and experience breaking branches. Acorn production provides food for wildlife, but they also turn into dangerous projectiles when caught by a mower.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Beautiful Palm Trees

A number of palm tree species grow in Florida and they’re highly prized. There are actually 2,500 different species of palm trees from around the world, all of which will grow and flourish in the state’s tropical environment. While all of them aren’t cultivated, there’s a palm species to please practically anyone.

Palms vary widely. There are those known as “mini” palms, such as the Pygmy Date Palm that typically grows from 6-12 feet in height and the Arikury Palm that grows to 6 ft. tall. The Areca Palm remains small and is popular as a houseplant in cold climates. The most commonly grown palms in Florida range in size from the modest 15-foot height of the Christmas Palm to the stately 80-ft. height of the Coconut Palm and Royal Palm.

Some grow very slowly and make great specimen trees, while others are quick growing and require a significant amount of room. There are palms that are ideal for around the pool and those that are best grown in a formal garden setting. The long, weeping fronds of the Piccabeen Palm enables it to tolerate high winds and there’s also the Sabal Palm, the state tree of Florida.

Aside from choosing the right size palm tree for the available space, another concern will be fronds and fruit that can cause injuries to people and pets or damage to property when they fall. Those that shed dead fronds on their own are called self-cleaning palms. It’s essential that professionals be called to remove fronds and fruits from these trees.

Palm trees have varying types of foliage depending on the species that can range from bright green outstretched fronds to beautiful silver-green fans. Some grow as majestic single trunked trees, but others are multi-stemmed varieties. The appearance of the trunks also has considerable variation. Some palm trunks are relatively smooth or resemble bottles, while others have trunks covered in spines.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Best Fruit Trees for your South Florida Yard

An increasing number of Florida residents are choosing to plant orchards in their back yard – or at least one or two trees of their favorite fruits. The trees provide the means to eat healthier, save money, and offer a new and exciting gardening experience. The range of fruit trees that will grow and prosper in South Florida is extensive. Gardeners are only limited by their personal tastes and preferences.

Citrus trees immediately come to mind when thinking of Florida. Oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit and tangerines grow in abundance. The traditional fruits are readily available and while they can be grown in a backyard garden, adventurous gardeners often want to try their hand at growing other types of fruit.

For avocados, buy plants already started of a particular cultivar. Many people plant seeds from an avocado they buy at the store. They’re easy to grow, but won’t typically produce the same variety of avocado as the seed that was planted and take several years to begin bearing fruit.

Jackfruit grows well in South Florida and has done so for over 100 years.

Lychee lovers will be glad to know that the fruit readily grows in South Florida. The trees don’t like wet “feet” and should be planted in well-drained areas.

The sweet, succulent flesh of mangoes can be enjoyed fresh from a backyard garden. There are dozens of varieties from which to choose. They can be planted from seed, but there are two types of seeds – one will result in an exact clone of the mother plant while the other type of seed may produce an entirely different variety.

Papayas are technically large plants, though they look much like trees. Easy to grow from seed, fruits can often be harvested in 6-12 months.

Tamarind trees grow well in South Florida, but they also release nitrogen and carbon dioxide at night that can cause problems for anyone with breathing difficulties.

A wide range of fruit-bearing trees can be grown in South Florida due to its unique climate. Others include bananas, figs and guava, along with loquats, mulberries and persimmons. It pays to do some research before planning any type of backyard orchard. Each type of fruit tree has its own moisture requirements and while there are dwarf varieties of some fruits, many trees take up a significant amount of space.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Great Looking Palm Trees!

Florida is one of just a few states that are home to palm trees. According to the Department of Biological Sciences, the state is home to 12 native species and dozens of imported varieties. Some can be very fast growing and require significant care to keep them healthy and in good condition.

When most people think of palm trees, they envision the majestic royal palm featured in a wide variety of films and TV shows. They’re majestic, stately, and healthy trees are beautiful to behold. They can reach heights of up to 80 ft. in urban settings with a canopy spread of up to 25 ft., but Floridians grow an amazing number of species that includes coconut palms.

One of the more interesting aspects of palms is that they will automatically shed dying fronds at a rate of approximately one per month. It’s a simple task to dispose of the downed fronds, but it can be dangerous for anyone unfortunate enough to be on the ground when one falls. Damaged or dying fronds should be removed whenever they’re observed and coconuts harvested before they fall on pedestrians or structures.

Palms can tolerate salt spray, withstand high winds, and weather a hurricane. They can also be prone to mineral deficiencies and diseases so it’s imperative that they’re fertilized appropriate to the soil in which they’re planted and that they’re inspected for diseases and insect pests. Palms also have specific water requirements that can be met with an irrigation system.

Palms typically don’t have very deep root systems. The root balls don’t branch much or expand like ordinary trees such as maples and oaks. That trait can put them at risk of tipping as they attain more height. Owners of palms need to be vigilant about trees that exhibit leaning tendencies.

Palms are one of the most beautiful of trees, with some living to be 100 years old. They grow well in urban environments and their root growth habits means they’re less likely to damage sidewalks, pathways and other paved areas. With regular care and maintenance, they can provide shade and visual interest for many years to come.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

Contact RCH Landscaping Today for a Free Estimate


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