
Benefits of Adding Mulch to Your Landscape

Mulch is a highly underrated addition to your landscape and it has a myriad of benefits. Multiple types of materials are being used as mulch, with those made of organic materials being the best for plantings and the soil. You may have heard some of the reasons for mulching and its benefits, but there are others of which you may not be aware.


An organic mulch provides an environment for earthworms to live and prosper. Soil with earthworms is healthier. Earthworms tunnel through the ground, allowing water and air to circulate into the soil. They also aid in breaking down organic materials to enrich the soil, as does their excrement. Avoid mulches of rubber, pebbles, polished glass and dyed wood chips if you want earthworms.

Hard Soil

Hard soils like clay and those that are tightly compacted drain slower. Mulch helps break up hard soil, allowing air and water to enter more freely.

Sandy Soil

Mulch improves sandy soil by increasing nutrient levels and improving its ability to retain moisture.

Insect Repellent

Cedar and cypress mulch contains natural oils and chemicals that insects such as ticks, fleas and gnats find unpleasant. Either type of mulch can be used around the foundation of structures to deter those insects.

Reduces Evaporation

Mulch is an excellent way to reduce the rate of evaporation around trees and bushes, and in flower beds. It helps you conserve water, which means less watering and savings on your water bills.

Damage Barrier

Placing mulch around plantings creates a barrier that prevents damage from lawnmowers and weed whackers.

Weed Growth

An application of mulch in flower beds and around larger plantings such as trees and bushes reduce weed growth by blocking sun weeds need to germinate and grow.


Watering, rainwater, and the resultant runoff can lead to erosion of soil in flower beds. Mulch aids in minimizing the problem.

Soil Temperature

Mulch helps keep soil temperatures cooler and mitigates the potential for root burn in the hot Florida sun.

 Curb Appeal

A nicely mulched landscape adds curb appeal and value to a property. It’s available in multiple colors and gives the property a more manicured appearance.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Signs Your Plants Need Fertilizer

Plants make homes more welcoming, desirable, and add value to properties. From trees to flowers, plantings need to have their needs met to remain healthy and vibrant. They typically obtain nutrients through the soil, but there are times when that source is insufficient for their needs and fertilizer will be required.

Even if you began with ideal soil, over time the plants will absorb those nutrients and they will need to be replaced with an application of fertilizer. Each plant has specific nutrient needs and no fertilizer is a one-size-fits-all solution.

There are signs that plants require certain nutrients, but fertilizing plants should be done carefully. Over fertilization is one of the most common mistakes that gardeners make. Plants with a deficiency will demonstrate the following symptoms.


Plants in need of nitrogen will have new growth that’s light green in color and it will typically be spindly and stunted. Leaves will also begin to drop and new growth will be weak. A lack of nitrogen also affects blossoms and fruit. Both may be delayed and the fruits and flowers produced will typically be smaller than usual.


A lack of phosphorus will cause plant leaves and stems to take on a dull green appearance. Older leaves will show the effects first and may turn a purplish hue. Tips of leaves will begin to brown and die. The plant’s root system will be weakened, resulting in smaller plants and few or no flowers.


When a lack of potassium is the culprit, you may see small spots on the undersides of leaves. Those spots will get larger over time and expand into significant areas of discoloration. Leaf tips will become yellowish colored, curl, and plants will often have a scorched look. The development of roots, seeds and fruits will be reduced.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Yard transformation

Sprinklers in the Cooler Months

Lawns need moisture 12 months of the year, but that requirement is significantly less during cooler winter months since the rate of evaporation is far less. Many popular lawn grasses enter a dormant phase in the winter to wait for warmer temperatures in the spring. However, using a sprinkler system correctly in the winter will help ensure the lawn has a healthy return in the spring.

In the South Florida climate, an automated irrigation system is almost a necessity to avoid overwatering or underwatering. The systems can be adjusted to accommodate highly sensitive seasonal needs. Homeowners that don’t know how to set their irrigation system should definitely engage the services of a landscaping professional.

Water Requirements

Lawns will typically require 1 inch of water during the winter. Beginning in Sept., experts from the University of Florida recommend that lawns be watered twice a week for 48 minutes and reduce that time to 43 minutes in Oct.; 32 minutes in Nov.; 16 minutes in Dec.; 12 minutes in Jan.; and 17 minutes in March.


When a lawn is overwatered, homeowners are essentially drowning the roots of their grass. The roots are unable to breathe and the part of the root system that survives is shallow, which opens the door to predation by insects and diseases. Overwatering also supports the proliferation of weeds, which adds an additional level of stress to shallow root systems.

Lawns that are overwatered aren’t able to absorb the nutrients they need through the roots. The result is grass that’s unhealthy and lacks the desirable rich, green color. It will also lead to extra work during the upcoming spring and summer months to rectify the damage done.


Even though the grass isn’t actively growing during the winter months, it still requires a certain amount of maintenance moisture. A lawn that’s underwatered will have grass blades that are brittle, fragile, easily damaged, and the lawn may not return in the spring.


RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Be Aware of Wildlife When Gardening

South Florida is home to extensive diversity of wildlife that individuals may encounter in their garden. Some are poisonous, others deliver a painful bite, while some are just scary looking. They seek shelter in gardens and want to be left alone, but they will defend themselves against what they perceive as an attack.

The best solution when gardening is wearing pants, long sleeves, socks and shoes – not sandals – look carefully where hands and feet are placed or if movement is detected. Individuals may also want to contact a professional should an infestation become apparent.


Spiders are the most common type of wildlife that individuals will encounter. The two most dangerous are the southern black widow and the brown recluse. Humans typically won’t encounter a brown recluse, but it’s important to be aware. While it’s not poisonous, it’s dangerous in the effect it has. The venom injected by a bite result in liquification of the flesh around the bite site.

Southern black widows don’t have the distinguishing red hourglass markings of their northern counterparts. They’re venomous, but their bite typically won’t result in death. The bite can cause pain, burning, swelling, redness, nausea and severe pain. The venom affects the nervous system. Some people are relatively unaffected, while others may have a severe reaction.


Between breeders and owners releasing exotic snakes into the wild and hurricanes that send snakes seeking higher ground, there are many different types of snakes in South Florida that people may encounter. Only six species are truly dangerous with bites that can harm people, but no snake should be trifled with, just to be safe.

Dangerous species include the Canebrake rattlesnake, copperhead, coral snake, cottonmouth/water moccasin, diamondback rattlesnake and pigmy rattlesnake. While most people won’t encounter the pythons or any of the other constrictors, they can appear. Snakes typically enter gardens in search of food such as moles, voles and mice, along with gophers, chipmunks and other rodents.

Fire Ants

Gardeners may encounter several species of fire ants that inhabit Florida. The red fire ant is the biggest problem. The species is native to South America and found a favorable environment in Florida. The imported species is aggressive and attacks anything that disturbs them. They come out of their mounds en masse and each ant can sting numerous times. The most common reaction is pain, itching and swelling. While the sting is painful to most, it can result in a life-threatening reaction for some.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Maintaining Roses

Successfully Maintaining Roses in South Florida

There’s something inherently desirable about roses. They’ve been written and sung about since ancient times. Rose fossils have been found dating to 35 million years ago and there are currently more than 150 species in the Northern Hemisphere. They were so highly prized in the 15th century that the plants and rose water was an accepted form of currency.

Individuals can grow roses in virtually every color of the rainbow in single or double flower forms, many of which are highly fragrant. Each type of rose variety also has height variations – an important fact to know when selecting a favorite. Those that want roses in the environment can choose from multiple types.

  • Miniatures are typically grown as houseplants.
  • Polyanthas roses range in height from 18 to 24 inches.
  • Floribunda roses grow from 1.5 to 2.5 feet in height.
  • Grandiflora roses are the result of modern breeding programs and grow from 3 to 5 feet tall.
  • Hybrid tea roses range from 3 to 8 feet in height.
  • Climbing roses, sometimes referred to as rambling roses, can attain heights of 20 feet.

Growing roses in South Florida is entirely possible, providing gardeners pay attention to their needs. Roses need 6 to 8 hours of morning sun each day – midday sun is too hot – and soil that’s rich in organic matter. They’re heavy feeders and don’t do well near plants competing for nutrients. Monthly feedings will do wonders for keeping them healthy and happy. Roses can also be grown in containers.

A drip irrigation system is best for in-ground roses as it doesn’t get water on the leaves or blooms that can make them vulnerable to disease. There are some varieties that do better than others in the Florida environment. They include Don Juan, Gold Medal, Christian Dior, Belinda’s Dream and Perfume Delight.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Need Landscaping Ideas? Take a Drive

Those that are at a loss with what to do with their landscape have only to take a drive to see dozens of ideas that can easily fit their current environment, along with those that can be scaled up or down to accommodate larger or smaller properties.

Individuals will find original options by professional designers, along with those of non-professionals that have an eye for design. Ideas are available for individuals that have extensive time to spend on landscaping and low-maintenance landscaping options that required little work to maintain.

Artificial Turf

For those that like a flawless green lawn but don’t want to spend every weekend mowing, try artificial grass. It can be obtained in varying gradations of green and multiple heights to accommodate any preference.

Less Lawn

The less lawn that an environment has, the less tending and mowing there will be. That means patios and other elements that only requires an occasional sweeping to keep them looking great. Pavers and custom designed stonework provide an excellent gathering place for family and friends. Hardscapes such as falls and fountains have the ability to provide a relaxing environment.


Consider planting perennials for a gift of blossoms that returns each year. There are dozens of species that provide the bright colors of annuals, without the fuss of planting them anew each year. Individuals can also select easy care ground covers to eliminate weeds on hills and slopes.

Native plants that are adapted to the South Florida climate are more resistant to the depredations of insects, weeds and wildlife. Consider mulching with small stones and gravel to control weeds and provide a point of interest. When planning a landscape, less is more and there’s no reason to cram plants together in a small space. A few strategically placed plants make a powerful impact.


There’s an endless variety of trees and shrubs that can be planted to provide shade and beautiful blossoms. Be careful when making selections, as some can litter the ground with faded flowers and dropped fruit. Another consideration is the mature height and spread that has the potential to interfere with foundations and utility lines above and below ground.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Consider Disease When Choosing Plants

Plants get diseases just like humans and animals. Before deciding to add a plant to the landscape, it’s a good idea to consider the potential for disease. Some plant diseases are easily transmissible among different species and can spread throughout an entire neighborhood.

Plants that are placed in locations contrary to their natural preferences will become stressed, fail to flourish, and are more vulnerable to attack from diseases, along with a variety of insect pests. When individuals see a plant they want to add to the landscape, do some research to ascertain if it’s prone to diseases ranging from mildew and root rot to blight and canker.

Soil, Sun and Water

The soil composition in the landscape is important. Some plants require alkaline soil while others prefer soil that’s acidic. Plants that need soil with excellent drainage will develop root rot in wet and soggy conditions. The spores of fungal infection can spread among different plants and be transmitted by insects. Heat and humidity provide a breeding ground for mold, bacterial, and fungal infection. Light requirements can vary widely and shade plants will quickly wither in full sun.


Some very disparate plants can spread disease simply by being in close proximity to each other. There are plant diseases that require two hosts to complete its life cycle. An example is cedar-apple rust. The fungal spores infect eastern red cedars and are released in the spring where they infect the leaves of apple and crabapple trees. The disease matures over the summer and mature spores are released in the autumn to infect the cedars. The same type of co-infection affects junipers and quince.

Choosing Plants

It’s critical to purchase plants that are healthy and show no signs of disease. There are dozens of plants native to the South Florida environment, while others have been introduced to the area from locations with similar growing conditions and can thrive.

White pine is a species that’s not a native, but grows well in the state. However, it doesn’t tolerate salt and shouldn’t be planted where they’re exposed to saltwater. Some plants within the same family that are introduced from abroad have increased hardiness and resistance to disease in the Florida environment.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Diseases that will Ruin Your Landscape

Insects that can infect your landscape and create havoc may be your primary concern. However, there are a variety of diseases of which you need to be aware. Some have the potential to infect plantings near and far. Others can wreak so much damage that flower beds may need to be evacuated and trees eliminated if the disease isn’t identified early and control measures prove ineffective.

Diseases can affect the roots, stem/trunk or flower/fruit production. Other diseases are cosmetic in nature. While they won’t kill plantings, they can affect their aesthetic value and the appearance of your property. Diseases are difficult to identify, as some are similar in appearance to insect predations. It’s always best to seek the expertise of a plant specialist.

Armillaria Root Rot

Also known as mushroom root rot, a tree or shrub infected with the fungi may appear wilted, have little foliage, and remaining leaves look shriveled and dry. The fungus prevents plantings from absorbing water and it’s the most common fungi species infecting shrubs and trees in Florida.


More than 170 types of bacteria can affect plants and they can cause symptoms ranging from leaf spots and yellowing of leaves and fronds to plant wilt and death. Citrus Greening is one example. Typically found in citrus groves, it can also affect backyard citrus. Yields drop, eventually stop, and the tree dies.

Black Spot/Leaf Spot

Both types of the fungi produce black spots on the upper surface of leaves. Primarily affecting roses, it can also be found on the leaves, flowers and fruits of other plantings. It flourishes in hot, humid conditions. Black spot is the most serious disease of roses in Florida and can cause severe defoliation.

In Cercospora Leaf Spot, a small round spot appears and grows larger as the disease progresses. The center of the spot eventually turns a tan/gray color. The leaf dies and the lesions can appear on any other part of the plant.

Lethal Bronzing Disease

Affecting palms, the disease is relatively new to Florida and is caused by a phytoplasma – a unique type of bacteria. It results in a quick decline of the palm and death. There is no cure.


Powdery mildew and downy mildew are both fungus infections that are similar in appearance The symptoms of yellowing leaves and white spots are the same, but downy mildew is more grayish colored. Powdery mildew can be anywhere on the leaf surface, while downy mildew is limited by leaf veins.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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landscaping software

Landscape Software Lets You See the Final Project

Creating a new landscape or updating an existing panorama in your backyard is exciting. With the assistance of landscape software, anyone can be creative. The consumer-based landscaping software of today has evolved considerably, is highly versatile, and has features of which you may not be aware.

There are also many price points from which to choose. It pays to do some research before settling on a specific program. Some of the less expensive versions may not have all the features you want, while high-end software can have a distinct learning curve to overcome. However, they’re an excellent place to begin your landscaping journey.

Digital Property

Depending upon the software, you can scan an image of your property into the software. You can drag and drop different types of trees, bushes and flowers, along with hardscape items that includes homes, outbuildings, driveways, swimming pools, and patios. The finished product will be a digital image of the existing property from which to work. Some also provide 3D views and a virtual tour.


Especially useful are features that provide a growth forecaster so you can see how your choices will appear over time as they mature. It’s easy to see if a tree will overgrow its boundaries, produce too much shade, block a view, or interfere with utility lines.

Some software provides shade forecasters that enable you to see where shadows from trees and buildings will fall at any time of the day and throughout each season. Others will even give you an estimate of what the landscape costs will be.


Landscape design programs can’t provide an accurate account of irrigation needs or how an irrigation system should be laid out. They also can’t tell you what type of soil you have, which will affect the type of trees and plants you can grow successfully.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Weed Solutions

Anyone with a patch of green knows how easy it is for weeds to appear in their lawn and flowerbeds, no matter how hard they work to eliminate them. Most people consider a weed to be a wild plant, but even cultivated species can earn the designation of weed if it’s growing where it’s not wanted.

Prevention is essential, as seeds can be carried great distances by the wind, birds, and other wildlife. Any soil that’s been disturbed or lacks mulch is fertile ground for weeds to take hold. The quicker that property owners detect weed growth, the easier it will be to prevent a major infestation.


This is a method that utilizes living plants to suppress weed growth rather than eradicating it. Groundcovers are an excellent solution for large spaces. There are groundcovers that will grow in virtually any soil, many of which have blossoms that attract pollinators that include bees and butterflies.


It’s easy to obtain herbicide sprays for home use that kill multiple types of weeds. However, the chemicals are dangerous to children, pets, and the individual performing the application will need to take precautions to prevent the spray from making contact with their skin. Another disadvantage is that some chemical weed killers will also kill desirable plants if the applicator isn’t careful. Granular herbicides that target lawn weeds are also available.


The only tool individuals may need for mechanical elimination of weeds is a shovel so they can dig them up. Mechanical methods also include simply pulling up the offending growth. The best method is digging. While a great number of plants proliferate through seeds, others do not. Many weeds spread through the growth of underground rhizomes. These types of weeds are especially difficult to eradicate.


Mulching is one of the easiest ways to prevent weed growth in flower beds. It’s environmentally-friendly, enriches soil, and conserves moisture. Crushed stone and gravel are another mulching alternative that’s effective and can be used to create stand-out beds.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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