beautiful landscape design

Work Around The Base

Tips to Prepare Your Landscape for Spring

Even though the weather may be warm in South Florida, many plantings take a break before
bursting forth for the spring season. You can help give your landscape a boost and prepare for
spring with a few simple actions. If you’re unable to perform the tasks or don’t feel comfortable
doing so, call a professional.
If you have an irrigation system, now is the time to have it inspected to ensure its in proper
working order, with no broken pipes or sprinkler heads. Part of the inspection should include
the timer to make sure the setting is accurate in terms of run times and duration. If you don’t
have an irrigation system, consider installing one if possible.
Apply mulch to the appropriate areas in the landscape. It will help retain moisture, aid in
minimizing weed growth, help cool the soil, and enrich the soil as it breaks down.
Trim and Prune
Now is the time to have hedges, bushes and trees trimmed and pruned to remove diseased,
damaged or weak limbs. Doing so will promote growth, minimize the potential for broken
limbs, and improve the appearance of the entire landscape. Trimming and pruning also aids in
maintaining the shape and controlling growth of plantings. Have any diseased trees or plantings
De-thatching and aerating a lawn isn’t something that must be done every year, but spring is the
proper time to do so if needed. It helps prevent disease, aids in creating strong root growth,
and allows nutrients to enter the soil for use by the grass. Lawns should be fertilized the second
week after new growth appears, generally in February or March.
Physically remove any weeds that may have taken root. It’s best to pull them up by hand. Doing
so also has the benefits of getting you some fresh air and exercise.


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Flowers and Plants That Keep Mosquitos Away

Mosquitos are a food source for multiple species, but they’re a nuisance for people. They
deliver itchy bites, spread disease and parasites, and are attracted to sweet scents. There are a
number of flowers and plants that provide a natural repellant to the irritating insects that
should have a place in every outdoor space.
The herb attracts pollinators, repels mosquitos and can even kill mosquito larvae before they
hatch to reduce the insect’s population.
Also known as mosquito grass, it’s an ingredient in insect repellents ranging from sprays to
candles. The grass can be planted in the yard, but be aware that it can grow up to 6 ft. tall and
just as wide.
The aroma of this herb is a powerful and effective repellent for insects that crawl or fly.
Lemon-scented geraniums have a scent similar to citronella, making them a great repellent.
They have cheery flowers, but the lemon scented leaves are the advantage for repelling
multiple types of insects.
The power of lavender is twofold. It deters mosquitos and attracts pollinators. The plant
produces fragrant flowers and requires little attention.
The herb grows on woody stalks, resembles green onions, and has a citrus scent that’s effective
in keeping mosquitos at bay.
The plant produces brightly colored flowers and repels mosquitos and other types of insects.
It’s available in multiple colors and heights.

Spearmint, peppermint, patchouli, and catnip are all excellent repellents for mosquitos and
other types of insects. Grow mint plants in a pot to contain its growth.
A vining plant, it has colorful blooms and instead of repelling mosquitos, it works to attract
them to where its planted and away from people.
It not only repels the biting bugs, it’s a versatile herb used in a variety of dishes. Plant it in the
yard or garden.

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South Florida Landscaping Rules for Easy Maintenance

Green lawns, abundant blooms, shapely shade trees, and artfully draped vines are beautiful to behold, but plants ranging from flowers to trees can include some unpleasant and time-consuming clean-up and maintenance requirements. For those that prefer to spend their time enjoying their blossoms and foliage rather than performing endless maintenance tasks, there are some basic rules.

The Plants

Choose plantings that have naturally low maintenance characteristics. Avoid trees with messy blooms and fruits, along with bushes and vines that require frequent trimming and pruning. Select flowers that don’t require deadheading. Choose insect and disease resistant species to minimize control and prevention methods.

The best low maintenance plants won’t need frequent fertilizing. Always research desired plants to ensure they’re not an invasive species or have the potential to be invasive. Plants native to South Florida are best adapted to the climate.

Water Requirements

For individuals that don’t want to invest in an irrigation system, or spend endless hours hand-watering, select plants with low water requirements. Another consideration is the ability to survive flooding and inundation by salt water. Conversely, seek plants that are able to tolerate drought conditions. The best solution is an irrigation system to ensure each plant’s unique water requirements are met.


Many plants that are annuals in other locations can survive year-round in South Florida. One of the prime attractions of perennials is that they don’t have to be replanted every year. They may lose their leaves or die back after blooming, only to re-emerge the next year bigger and better than ever.


Avoid letting grass grow long, mowing it, then raking and disposing of grass clippings. The secret to less mowing is to maintain lawns at a consistent length during the growing season and at a length that’s appropriate to the specific type of lawn grass planted.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Residential Landscaping company Boca Raton

Landscape Design Can Help Sell Your Home

Real estate agents will be the first to tell you that a home must have curb appeal when trying to sell it. Curb appeal refers to how attractive your home looks when viewed by a potential buyer approaching the house.

Real estate agents often suggest a new coat of paint, cleaning windows or even upgrading a mailbox. Curb appeal should also extend to your landscape design, since buyers are purchasing the entire package, not just the house.

The good news is that you don’t have to spend a bundle to add aesthetic value to your yard. There are a variety of inexpensive ways to flatter your grounds without calling in the landscapers.


If you already have mulch in flowerbeds and around trees or bushes, put down a new application to make everything look bright and new. If you haven’t mulched, consider doing so. It’s good for the plants, soil, and it’s a low-cost option.

Instant Color

Plant some colorful annuals around the front door or along a walkway. They provide a splash of color and add a welcoming touch to entryways. Alternatively, you might want to consider a couple of containers with those bright annuals or some hanging baskets.

Trees and Bushes

Trim any dead or unsightly limbs from trees and do the same with bushes to make them neat and tidy looking. Remove any dead branches, leaves or debris on the ground and don’t forget to remove the remnants of any trimming you’ve done.

Tidy Perennials

Perennial flowers tend to get out of hand without annual maintenance. Eliminate dead or dying plants. If you want to take a particular flower to your new home, now is a good time to dig it up.

Irrigation, Water Features

Make sure the irrigation system is working well and scrub down any water fountains. Clear algae from ponds and attend to any faucet leaks.

Power Washing

Use a power washer to clean steps, walkways and driveways. A power washer is also a good way to clean water fountains.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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types of grass

Great Places to Add Artificial Turf

Once considered a substitute for real grass primarily in sports arenas and playing fields, artificial turf has entered the mainstream in a big way. It’s being employed by homeowners and multiple types of businesses. The synthetic material emulates grass and provides a green carpet year-round that that doesn’t require mowing, fertilizing, irrigation or pest control chemicals.

Back Yards

Most family activities take place in the back yard and it’s an ideal area for artificial turf. Children can play on it as much as they want and its equally beneficial for backyard entertaining as its UV resistant and highly durable.


Front lawns of artificial turf remain green year-round, provide curb appeal, and add value to homes if owners decide to sell. Artificial turf has great drainage and individuals don’t have to worry about pooling and puddling.

Pet Areas

Artificial turf is an excellent selection for pet play areas. An added benefit is that it’s easy to clean if pets relieve themselves on it. Solid waste can be easily picked up and urine can be hosed down into the soil beneath.

Narrow Spaces

Many individuals find themselves with narrow side yards that are difficult to reach with a mower or don’t support easy landscaping options. It provides the same visual appeal as natural grass.


Using artificial turf on entryways to homes prevents dirt, debris and mud from making its way indoors.

Dull Spaces

Artificial turf can provide a splash of color and create a relaxing environment for rooftop gardens and balconies. The material is available in rug-sized pieces for smaller areas and places where it’s not practical to have real grass.


Artificial turf is equally appropriate for businesses and an increasing number of enterprises are using it. Hotels and similar businesses can maintain an attractive appearance while reducing the cost of maintenance. It’s also beneficial for use in outdoor break areas for employees.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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6 Beautiful Trees That Also Make a Mess!

Many trees have interesting foliage and make beautiful specimens in the landscape. They also create a significant mess either through dropped blossoms or fruit, peeling or shedding bark, or insect pests. It’s important to perform sufficient research before selecting a tree.

Bradford Pear

Stately and beautiful when it’s in bloom, spent flower petals will litter the ground and the blossoms are smelly. It’s a prolific self-sower that easily overwhelms wooded areas and chokes out native species. Many states have enacted bans due to its highly invasive nature. When it crosses with a regular pear, it develops thorns that can puncture tires. The trees have weak branches.

Weeping Willow

Many people like the graceful growth habit of weeping willows, but the trees bring a lot of drama to the landscape. The roots are aggressive growers that seek out water sources – including underground water and sewer lines. The roots can destroy the lines, crack foundations and break sidewalks. Branches become weaker as the tree ages and prone to breakage. They attract a variety of insect pests that leave their own messy mark on the environment.


Puffy pink flowers and frilly leaves make the mimosa a charming tree. However, it’s short lived, weak wooded, has invasive roots, and is prone to multiple diseases and insects. They’re also prolific self-seeders.

Ginkgo Biloba

One of the oldest living species in the world, they make beautiful shade trees with golden fall foliage – as long as it’s a male ginkgo. The female ginkgo tree develops seeds with a distinctly unpleasant odor. The cherry-sized fruit is messy and malodorous. It’s the only descendant of a species that lived before the dinosaurs and there are six known ginkgo trees known to have survived the bombing of Hiroshima.

Red Oak

A red oak tree can live up to 300 years. They have invasive roots, shed a large number of leaves, and produce acorns that litter the ground in autumn and are capable of denting car roofs when they fall. That have a large number of pollen-bearing catkins that fall to the ground and exacerbate allergies.


The trees shed strips of bark and twigs, drop an enormous number of very large leaves in the autumn, and have hard, spiky seed balls that fall to the ground. The seed pods are moderately allergenic and contain a toxic agent. It has an aggressive root system able to damage sidewalks and home foundations, and can develop large surface roots that impede mowing. It’s prone to heartwood rot and the anthracnose disease that can cause massive leaf drops.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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landscape design company boca raton florida

Simple Landscape Design for Small Yard

Having a small yard doesn’t mean that people have to forgo landscaping. Even small spaces can be turned into an oasis of beauty and calm. People typically think of landscaping as a sprawling endeavor, but there are creative ways to landscape a small yard to bring a touch of color, peace and tranquility into anyone’s life.

Go Vertical

There are many plants that can grow vertically, such as vines, along with trees with a columnar growth pattern that includes columnar oaks, poplars, cypress and arborvitae. Just make sure it’s the columnar varieties and not standard sized species.


Plants are an essential design element, but creating a seating space where individuals can gather to lounge and relax is equally important. The surrounding plantings can include non-flowering varieties for a rainforest feel. Plants with multi-colored foliage adds depth and interest, or plant a few brightly colored flowers for a cheery burst of color.


There’s always room for container gardening, even in the smallest of yards. Containers come in a wide range of sizes, styles and materials. If height is desired, a large container can be turned upside down to act as a stand for a smaller pot. Containers act as a focal point and either annuals or perennials can be potted for a splash of color and texture.


Pre-made ponds are available in all sizes and shapes, along with the pump and necessary equipment for circulation to ensure the water doesn’t become stagnant or turn into a breeding ground for mosquitoes. The sound of water is especially soothing.

Falls and Fountains

Small, premade fountains and waterfalls add a relaxing water feature to small spaces. They’re easy to install, provide the soothing sound of running water, and are available in multiple sizes to accommodate any space. Multi-tiered fountains offer the best of both features. Many models are equipped with colored LED lights that provide additional interest and are inexpensive to operate.

Flowerboxes for Fences

For those with a fenced in yard, small flowerboxes can be attached to almost any type of fencing. Hanging flower pouches can be hung from fence posts and hangers can be affixed to fence posts to support hanging flower baskets.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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What is an English Landscape?

More popularly known as an English garden, its characterized by structured informality that gives it a wild appearance to the untrained eye. It provides a stark contrast to the strictly planted and regimented style typical of most gardens in the U.S.

The style was highly popular in England from the mid-18th century to early 19th century and can still be seen in the English countryside. It was designed as an idealized version of nature and pioneered by William Kent and Charles Bridgemen as a protest against rigid architectural style gardens.

Elements encompassed lakes or ponds, gently rolling lawns, tree groves, bridges, and even decorative Gothic type ruins were used to create a pastoral landscape in large tracts of land. In later years, it was revised to include graveled walkways, shrubs and flowers.

In rural areas, English gardens were practiced on a smaller scale that primarily focused on the plants without the rolling lawns, lakes, bridges and other decorative touches. Also known as cottage gardens, they relied more heavily on plants with fragrant blossoms, along with medicinals, herbs and vegetables. The English garden was also invested with political meaning – as in disrupting the established norms. Shrubs were often used as natural borders.

An English garden is full of contrasting colors, textures, shapes and sizes that provide relief from the formal, regimented styles of strict lines to create a softer look. The gardens were installed with mindfulness for complimentary plantings, successive bloom times, and natural harmony.

English and American gardeners have a distinctly different view of gardening. For those that prefer straight lines, minimal maintenance, want to impress the neighbors, or just want an appealing view from the outside, an English garden won’t satisfy. Those that enjoy a little wildness in their garden can create an English garden landscape that’s practical, whimsical and low maintenance with the correct mix of plants.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Residential Landscaping Company Boca

3 Necessities to a Beautiful Landscape

Whether individuals are planning their first landscape or rehabilitating an old one, they can easily get more caught up in the planning and research stage than paying attention to the essentials. Hard features such as walkways, fountains and pergolas can all be added at a later date. There are 3 necessities for a beautiful landscape.

Plants and Shrubs

The plantings in a landscape will set the tone for what type of environment individuals will be creating. Trees and shrubs form the foundation of the landscape. They work to make a home and the property inviting, welcoming, and enhance the architecture. Trees provide shade from the sun’s rays and combined with bushes, add multi-season interest for an every-changing kaleidoscope of color and texture.

Individuals need to keep in mind the growth habits and mature size of the plantings they choose to avoid having them interfere with overhead or underground utilities They’ll also need to be planted to accommodate specific sun and shade requirements. Flowering shrubs and trees are a beautiful addition to any landscape, but they can also produce flowers and fruits that are messy and require cleanup.


An irrigation system is critical for the ongoing health of every aspect of the landscape. It ensures that every planting receives the proper amount of moisture and at the correct time. It reduces the work required to keep plants healthy and will save individuals a significant amount of money on water bills. There’s no guesswork with an irrigation system and it eliminates overwatering or underwatering.


Every plant has its own specific nutritional needs and obtains those nutrients through the soil. Over time, plantings can deplete the natural nutrients in the soil. Fertilization is the way to replenish nutrients.

Even completely new landscapes can benefit from fertilization as the soil may have deficiencies in nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium. It will give new plantings a boost of nutrients to help them root well and grow. Care is critical when using fertilizer to prevent over-fertilization that can burn plants.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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