commercial landscape design

Robert Trent Jones II helps resuscitate Idaho’s Osprey Meadows

Plan Landscape Projects Early

If you’re planning to have work performed in your landscape, plan early. Don’t wait any longer if you haven’t already scheduled your project. It doesn’t matter whether you’re planning a full-scale remodel of your outdoor environment or just want to add a small water feature in the backyard – landscaping companies are in high and are often booked for months in advance.

The promising news is that they may also be able to work you in if your project isn’t too extensive. The range of services offered will depend on the individual landscape company, but can encompass any or all of the following.


Landscape companies are best known for their planting services for flowerbeds, vines, bushes and trees. They’re highly-trained in the requirements of an extensive array of plants and are able to give them the best possible start in your yard.

Irrigation Systems

Landscape companies design and install traditional irrigation systems. They also work with sustainable systems that feature low water consumption and savings for clients.

Lawn Care

Maintaining a lush, green lawn can require considerable time, effort, and individuals can inadvertently do more harm than good for their lawn if they’re not careful. A landscaping company has highly-skilled technicians that know the optimal way to mow different species of grass, fertilize in the correct amount and at the right time, water effectively, and prevent disease and animal pests.


These are the non-plant features that can be added to landscapes for interest and enjoyment. Hardscapes include such items as pool surroundings, walkways, statuary, pergolas, firepits, and lighting that enhances outdoor spaces.


Landscapers work with residential and commercial clients to install and maintain environments year-round. That can include trimming and pruning trees for their health and the safety of people and homes, tending to a backyard citrus grove, or removing fruits from palm trees.

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Important Landscape Design Elements

Some people have a natural talent for designing attractive gardens and the ability to plant almost anything and make it thrive. For those that don’t have those skills, a landscape designer is the solution. The following are key elements when hiring a landscaping company.

On-Site Inspection

Always expect an on-site inspection from the selected landscape company. The inspection process enables the company to explore the soil, choose compatible plants, and plan for every contingency, including an irrigation system if needed. It allows the estimator to create an accurate estimate so homeowners don’t experience any surprises later on.

The inspection includes accessibility to the property and any existing features that might be disturbed during the landscaping process. The inspector will note any potential problem areas such as slopes and cliffs, along with the placement of utility lines and property boundaries. Landscaping company can also design landscapes around themes, along with those that that are child- and pet-friendly.


The South Florida soil doesn’t retain moisture or nutrients well. While native plants have adapted to the soil, not all plantings are able to do so. They may require extra moisture, fertilization, or protection from the afternoon sun. Landscapers are knowledgeable about plant requirements.


Individuals may have their heart set on certain plantings in their landscape, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Landscape designers are cognizant of the space requirements of mature bushes, shrubs and trees and help clients choose the best plants for their specific circumstances.


There’s a decided trend toward sustainable landscapes. The design utilizes plants that thrive in existing conditions and often relies on native plants. It also includes irrigation systems that use less water and save clients money.

Ultimate Usage

Homeowners should tell the landscaping professionals how the area to be addressed will be used. It provides information the experts can utilize to craft a landscape that accommodates the client’s aesthetics, while facilitating their intended use and lifestyle.

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These Flowers Look Great All Year-Round

Gardeners in Florida are fortunate in the extensive range of flowering plants that will thrive in the sub-tropical climate. While people in other parts of the U.S. typically need to plant multiple types of flowers for successive blooms, the following flowers will look great year-round in South Florida.


Also known as blanket flower, it begins blooming in early summer and continues until a frost occurs. They’re tolerant of heat, drought, and sandy soils. The brightly-colored red and yellow daisy-like flowers are heavy bloomers. Most varieties are 12 to 18 inches high, but some can grow up to 3 ft. tall.

Gerbera Daisy

Available with brilliant red, yellow, orange purple, pink or white blooms, they look great in the garden and can be used as cut flowers. Eager bloomers, they can break into blossom at any time and the flowers last for several weeks. They like the sun, but need afternoon shade, growing 10 to 18 in. high.


Known as West Indian Jasmine, the shrub blooms year-round and each flower cluster can last 6 to 8 weeks. Blossoms are abundant and available in bright red, yellow, orange, pink or white. It doesn’t tolerate alkaline soils and needs full sun, growing 4 to 15 ft. tall and 4 to 10 ft. wide.


A bush with star-shaped blooms, it attracts hummingbirds, butterflies and other pollinators. Blossoms are red, purple, lavender, white or pink. It needs full sun and grows 18 to 36 in. tall, but some species can reach 6 ft. in height. In South Florida it can even bloom into the winter months.


The red, white or pink tubular blossoms appear spring through fall, attracting hummingbirds and butterflies. It typically grows 3 to 4 ft. tall. Use care in choosing a species, as some can spread where they’re not wanted. They’re drought tolerant.


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5 Things to Remember When Mowing Your Lawn

Maintaining a lush, green lawn is a priority for many people. What they don’t know is that their mowing practices may actually be damaging their grass in multiple ways. It doesn’t matter what type of grass is seeded or how hardy it’s supposed to be, employing correct practices will help it thrive.

Sharp Blades

Sharp blades are key to ensure cuts are clean. Dull blades rip and tear blades of grass. Blades need to be replaced or sharpened if the cut ends appear ragged. The grass tips will also appear gray where they were cut. Lawn grass that’s been ripped rather than cut is highly susceptible to disease, along with insect infestations.


Alter the direction in which you mow. You may have worked out a method for mowing that minimizes the number of passes you have to make. Mowing in the same direction each time can create ruts in the soil. When you mow in the same direction each time, grass is bent in a single direction and inconsistencies in length can occur.

Mow Weekly

When your lawn receives enough moisture, it will typically grow enough each week to warrant being mowed. Be aware of the needs of the variety planted.

Height Matters

  • Each species of grass has an optimal length that it should be kept. The University of Florida recommends the following:
  • Bahia grass – 3 to 4 in.
  • Bermuda grass – 5 to 5.5 in.
  • Carpet grass – 1.5 to 2 in.
  • Centipede grass – 1.5 to 2 in.
  • St. Augustine grass – 2.5 to 4 in
  • Zoysia grass – 1 to 3 in.

Water, Fertilizer and Weed Control

The average lawn only needs 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week to thrive during the growing season. Choose a slow-release fertilizer and apply appropriately to prevent burning the lawn. Dig up weeds by hand and use caution when applying weed killer.

Hire a Professional

If you don’t have the time or don’t feel confident about the many tasks associated with a lush lawn, hire a professional lawn service. They can install irrigation if needed. The experts will know how much fertilizer to apply and when, the appropriate methods to deal with insect pests, and can install irrigation.


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Landscaping Tips for Water Restricted Areas

Many cities throughout the U.S. have water restrictions. They’re designed to make the most
efficient use of the natural resource within the landscape. The South Florida Water
Management District has set forth specific days and times for watering, leading many
individuals to wonder about their landscaping. Residents can have a beautiful landscape, even
with watering restrictions.
Know the Rules
There may be exceptions for edible gardens or newly installed landscapes. Residents need to
read and understand the watering rules that apply to them.
Prioritize what gets watered. Plants that are drought sensitive should be watered first, along
with those that are high maintenance. Lawns will necessarily be a low priority.
Drought Resistant Plants
Consider planting species that require less water – or replacing existing plantings. That can
include grass, vines, bushes and trees. It will help conserve water and will cost far less to keep
the landscape hydrated. Native plants tend to require less water.
Virtually any planting will benefit from mulch. It keeps soil cooler and helps in retaining
moisture. Mulch also aids in weed control
Irrigation Systems
Turn off automatic irrigation systems and only water plants when they really need it. Look for
signs of drooping leaves or leaf color changes to help determine when the plant requires water.
Many types of plants will survive droughts and low moisture if they were healthy and
established before water restrictions are in place.
Consider a drip irrigation system that uses far less water than traditional irrigation systems and
offers savings on water bills. Micro-irrigation systems may be allowed with no restrictions.
Water Reclamation
People across the nation use an estimated 7 billion gallons of clean drinking water every day for
watering plants. Consider collecting rainwater for use during a drought or having a water
reclamation system installed.

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How to Protect Your Business Landscaping from Storm Damage

Landscaping represents a considerable monetary investment for any business. Plantings
provide a welcoming and aesthetically pleasing entry to the property for customers. Trees,
bushes and flowers add value and interest to any property. In South Florida, storms can develop
at any time, creating chaos and damage to landscaping. The good news is that there are some
precautions you can take to minimize the potential for damage before it occurs.
Create Some Distance
Trees play an integral role in any landscaping project. They provide welcome shade that can
assist in reducing cooling costs, but they need to occupy the correct locations in the landscape.
Trees are one of the primary sources of damage during a storm. Keep large species away from
buildings to minimize damage from falling trees, breaking limbs and lightning strikes. Always
consider the size of the tree when it matures. Plant bushes and smaller trees near structures.
Wind Resistance
Some tree species are more prone to disease, breakage and limb loss. You’re going to want
trees in your landscape that are resistant to wind, less likely to blow over in a storm, and lose
limbs. It helps to plant trees in groups of at least 5 to maximize wind resistance. Each tree helps
protect the others.
Trees need regular maintenance and pruning is part of that. When young, shrubs and trees
should be pruned for optimal growth, shaping and strength. New trees should be cabled and
braced to ensure they’re growing straight and establishing a strong root system. As they
mature, weak limbs should be removed, along with any that may have become damaged. If a
tree becomes diseased, its better to remove it for safety’s sake.
Be sure your property has proper drainage. Trees can easily topple when soil becomes
saturated. Remedy any areas of the landscape where puddling or ponding are evident.

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commercial landscape

Commercial Landscaping on a Budget

Most people envision landscaping as expensive, sweeping changes to the landscape that involves heavy equipment and uprooting mature trees. It’s entirely possible to beautifully landscape commercial properties without spending a fortune. It doesn’t always involve large scale removal or installation of plants. It can encompass smaller changes or hardscaping features to enhance spaces.

Perennials For Annuals

Most people plant annuals for their splashes of bright colors. They provide vibrant interest in the landscape, but they have to be purchased anew each year and replanted. They can take a considerable amount of time and effort to maintain and may have significant moisture requirements leading to expensive water bills.

Commercial landscaping can replace annuals with perennials that only need to be purchased and planted once. They’re often more heat-resistant and drought-tolerant than annuals, which means savings on water bills. They require little maintenance and many perennials sport bright blooms that work to create an ever-changing landscape throughout the year.

Native Plants

Installing native plants produces a lower impact on the environment and typically require less care and maintenance. They’ve evolved to grow in the South Florida climate. They provide a food source of seeds, berries and nuts for birds and wildlife. Some have blossoms that attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.


Permeable pavers are known as a hard feature, as opposed to plants. They can be used to create pathways, patios, coping around swimming pools, and to surround retention ponds. They have a low impact on the environment and even help filter pollutants. Permeable pavers are beneficial for reducing and managing runoff.

Wildflower Gardens

Not every inch of a commercial property requires manicured lawns. Commercial enterprises can reduce costs, beautify their property, and provide a refuge for birds, bees, and butterflies by establishing a wildflower garden. It just needs to be planted once, requires little in the way of maintenance, and it’s particularly beneficial for reducing erosion on slopes and hills.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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landscaping software

Landscape Software Lets You See the Final Project

Creating a new landscape or updating an existing panorama in your backyard is exciting. With the assistance of landscape software, anyone can be creative. The consumer-based landscaping software of today has evolved considerably, is highly versatile, and has features of which you may not be aware.

There are also many price points from which to choose. It pays to do some research before settling on a specific program. Some of the less expensive versions may not have all the features you want, while high-end software can have a distinct learning curve to overcome. However, they’re an excellent place to begin your landscaping journey.

Digital Property

Depending upon the software, you can scan an image of your property into the software. You can drag and drop different types of trees, bushes and flowers, along with hardscape items that includes homes, outbuildings, driveways, swimming pools, and patios. The finished product will be a digital image of the existing property from which to work. Some also provide 3D views and a virtual tour.


Especially useful are features that provide a growth forecaster so you can see how your choices will appear over time as they mature. It’s easy to see if a tree will overgrow its boundaries, produce too much shade, block a view, or interfere with utility lines.

Some software provides shade forecasters that enable you to see where shadows from trees and buildings will fall at any time of the day and throughout each season. Others will even give you an estimate of what the landscape costs will be.


Landscape design programs can’t provide an accurate account of irrigation needs or how an irrigation system should be laid out. They also can’t tell you what type of soil you have, which will affect the type of trees and plants you can grow successfully.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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boca raton landscaping company

Commercial Landscape Do’s and Don’ts

Owners of commercial properties can use landscaping to add value to their business. It aids in attracting customers, increasing employee productivity, and improving safety and security. Eco-friendly landscaping will save money on utility bills, time and maintenance. It’s important to hire a professional that can provide advice and guidance, along with installation and maintenance services. The following are major dos and don’ts of proper landscaping.

  1. Planning

Proper planning will influence every aspect of the landscape Don’t attempt any landscaping project without a plan. Doing so will almost guarantee a haphazard look that’s unappealing and will detract from the property’s value.

  1. Mature Growth

Don’t forget when selecting trees and bushes that they will become larger and spread as they mature. Consider how tall trees will be, their canopy width, and growth habit. Bushes will spread and become taller and wider.

  1. Eliminate Undesirables

Trees and shrubs that have overgrown their space, become damaged, or have fallen prey to insects or disease should be eliminated. They present a potentially dangerous environment for people, buildings and equipment. They obscure views that can be a security risk. Don’t be afraid to remove them.

  1. Big or Small

Commercial property owners will need to decide if they want to install large or small versions of trees and shrubs. Planting younger, smaller trees and bushes allows everyone to watch them evolve as they grow. Planting larger versions provides more immediate benefits.

  1. Linear Lines

Don’t be afraid to deviate from linear plantings. Trees, bushes, flower beds and walkways can all be designed along curved lines to add interest and minimize monotony.

  1. Curb Appeal

Do consider the curb appeal factor when landscaping. It adds value to the property and attracts customers.

  1. Maintenance

Don’t forget the maintenance element. Some plants need frequent trimming and shaping, while others require minimal attention. The landscape quickly turns into a nightmare if the time or money to maintain it isn’t available. A landscaping professional provides valuable assistance in creating a low-maintenance landscape.

  1. Multiples

A few specimen plants can add visual interest, but consider multiple types of the same trees, bushes or flowers in a bed. Odd numbers are best and are aesthetically pleasing. Do remember that a single tree or bush can get lost in the overall landscape and creating swaths of color is more visually appealing than a single color.

  1. Weeds

Don’t forget to keep track of the weeds. A landscaping company has multiple techniques that can be used to significantly minimize weed growth, but there’s no way to eliminate them all.

  1. Budgeting

Part of the planning process is knowing what type of budget is available for the installation phase, but it’s also critical for ongoing care and maintenance. Even low-maintenance and eco-friendly landscapes will need trimming, mulching, fertilizing and other services. Those funds will need to be budgeted for each year.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Welcome Clients with a Beautiful Landscape Design

A lot has been said about the powerful effects of a beautifully designed landscape on employee moral and productivity. Multiple studies have proven the beneficial effects, but few business owners think about the effect landscaping has on retaining established customers, acquiring new clients, or the overall value of their enterprise.

Curb Appeal

Curb appeal isn’t just for homes. Perception is everything and landscaping is equally applicable for commercial endeavors. A landscape that’s well cared for and inviting welcomes established customers and subconsciously imparts an air of enhanced professionalism. Studies have shown that more than 70 percent of individuals interviewed would conduct commerce with businesses that incorporated trees and flowers in their surroundings.

Increased Value

Including green spaces in business environments adds to property values. It’s equally true whether it’s an office building or a housing complex. Available outdoor spaces are essentially an expansion of the business environment. Companies that ignore the potential inherent in professional landscaping are effectively sending clients to their competitors.

Without green spaces, the perception of customers is that of an enterprise that cares only about the financial side of the business. Today’s customers are more likely to conduct business with companies that utilize green spaces. Depending on the building, it can also aid in lessening heating/cooling costs.

Healthy, Happy Employees

Flowers and trees are an easy way to brighten outdoor atmospheres. Numerous research projects have proven that employees are happier, experience less stress, and are more productive when companies provide attractive outdoor features. That translates into reduced healthcare costs and it’s beneficial in attracting the best talent to businesses.

Green Marketing

Companies erect signage to let people know where they’re located ranging from potential employees to delivery drivers. What many business owners don’t know is that landscaping around the signage makes the company more easily identifiable. Flowers and shrubs are an easy way for business owners to call attention to their enterprise and stand out from competitors. It’s a form of green marketing that’s highly effective and often overlooked.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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