residential landscaper boca

Tips for Container Gardening

Greenery and blooms have a positive effect on the mental and physical health of people. Studies have demonstrated that even small green spaces indoors or outside can relieve stress, aid in alleviating depression, benefit cognitive function, and improve air quality.

It’s possible for anyone to enjoy the benefits of better wellbeing with container-grown plants, even if they live in a small apartment. Container gardening is simply the practice of growing plants in pots rather than planting them directly in the ground.

Container Types

Individuals can place their plants in pots of any size and material. Consider traditional clay pots, along with half barrels, tubs, metal containers and freestanding flower boxes. A raised bed is also an option for more generous spaces. It all depends on the space available.

Plastic containers are a good option, as they’re lightweight and easy for a single person to manage. Make sure the containers have holes in the bottom for adequate drainage. Pots should be large enough to hold the root ball of the plant and allow for growth.


Use good quality potting soil or a combination of potting soil and compost. Potting soil provides a light and fluffy mix that’s best for pots. Raised beds require a slightly heavier mix.


Containers can be placed literally anywhere it will fit encompassing indoors, on patios, stairways, balconies, decks, and terraces. Large containers can rest on the ground, small containers can be placed on pedestals, while other types of containers can be hung from a porch or deck, or affixed to a garage or outbuilding. Be mindful of weight when planting on balconies.

Types of Plants

Flowers provide a splash of bright and welcoming color. Flowering plants that do well in containers include petunias, geraniums, impatiens, and begonias. Individuals can also grow vegetables and herbs in containers. Onions, peppers, squash, lettuce, and tomatoes grow well in containers. Those that want to maintain an herb garden can try basil, mint, rosemary and thyme. Vertical and draping plants can be combined in a single container if desired. Consider the water and sun requirements of the plants.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Best Herbs for Indoor Gardens

Herbs add flavor and color to any culinary endeavor and they can be grown indoors. No one has to go without herbs, even if they don’t have outdoor garden space. Herb growers should choose herbs they regularly use when cooking.

The biggest challenge for most people is finding the sunniest space in their home for the herbs to thrive. For those that don’t have a sufficiently sunny space, consider grow lights under kitchen cabinets and similar locations. Herbs will require at least 6 hours of light each day.

Small herb starts can be purchased and cultivated at home or grown from seed. It’s important to plant them in pots that will be large enough for them to expand. Planters should have drainage holes to allow water to drain without drowning.

The most common – and easiest – herbs to grow indoors are:

  • Basil – for salads, sauces, sandwiches
  • Bay laurel – for soup, stew, rice pilaf
  • Chervil – for Bearnaise sauce, omelet, salad, poultry, egg dishes
  • Chives – for garnishes, soups, salads
  • Cilantro – for soup, stew, Mexican dishes, garnish
  • Kaffir lime – for curry, soup, stew, fried rice, stir fry
  • Lemongrass – for sauces, marinades, curry paste, grilled meat
  • Mint – for salads, desserts, tea, mixed drinks
  • Oregano – for soup, stew, casseroles, meat, tomato sauce
  • Parsley – for soup, salad, sauces, stuffing, fish, meat dishes
  • Rosemary – for potatoes, soup, salad, meat dishes
  • Sage – meat, stuffing, vegetable dishes, pastas dishes
  • Thyme – for soup, stew, sauces, potatoes, rice

For adventurous herb fans, there are also herbs that grow without full or bright sunlight. They’ll do well with indirect light. They include lovage, a plant with a lemony flavor that’s good for tea, soups and salads, and potatoes. It grows rather large for indoor environments – up to 6 ft. in the right conditions. Other low-light options are sweet cicely, also known as myrrh; Corsican mint; wasabi; tarragon; and angelica.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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vibrant garden

Bringing Your Garden Back to Life

If your plantings aren’t meeting the vision you have for your garden, there are multiple ways to revitalize it and bring the garden back to vibrant life. Each garden is different and may call for a combination of methods. Much will depend on what you want to accomplish, how much work you want to invest in the process, and your budget.

Take Stock

Make a list of existing plants and anything you do or don’t like about them. They may be invasive, not suitable for the soil or climate, and require extensive tending that you may not have the time to perform. A plant may have overgrown its space and you may even discover that a pretty plant you chose is actually toxic to people and pets.

Thinning and Trimming

There’s no way around it – some of those plants will need to be thinned and trimmed to aid in eliminating clutter. That can encompass hiring a professional service to safely remove trees that are diseased, dying or interfering with the growth of other plantings. Trimming and thinning are excellent ways to promote new growth and blooming on poorly performing vines and bushes.

Transplant or Remove

You may want to transplant some plants to a new location if their sun, shade or moisture requirements aren’t being met. Another solution for plants you really want to keep but have outgrown their space, is to simply remove part of them. Don’t forget the value of leaving spaces for highly colorful annuals. Don’t despair over plants that must be completely removed – it’s an inevitable part of the process.

Soil and Mulch

Soil loses nutrients as plants use them. Be sure to check pH levels and amend the soil or fertilize as needed. Without proper nutrients, no garden will thrive and flourish. Mulch is also a critical ingredient. It preserves moisture and aids in minimizing weeds. If you have little time for the upkeep of a garden but want the benefits, choose plants that require little maintenance and grow well in the South Florida climate.

Hard Features

You may also want to plan for some hard features in your garden such as accent lighting, fountains, waterfalls, birdbaths, and pathways. It will all depend on the size of the garden and your budget, but even without hard features, you can bring your garden to life and make it the envy of your neighborhood.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Residential Landscaping Company Boca

3 Necessities to a Beautiful Landscape

Whether individuals are planning their first landscape or rehabilitating an old one, they can easily get more caught up in the planning and research stage than paying attention to the essentials. Hard features such as walkways, fountains and pergolas can all be added at a later date. There are 3 necessities for a beautiful landscape.

Plants and Shrubs

The plantings in a landscape will set the tone for what type of environment individuals will be creating. Trees and shrubs form the foundation of the landscape. They work to make a home and the property inviting, welcoming, and enhance the architecture. Trees provide shade from the sun’s rays and combined with bushes, add multi-season interest for an every-changing kaleidoscope of color and texture.

Individuals need to keep in mind the growth habits and mature size of the plantings they choose to avoid having them interfere with overhead or underground utilities They’ll also need to be planted to accommodate specific sun and shade requirements. Flowering shrubs and trees are a beautiful addition to any landscape, but they can also produce flowers and fruits that are messy and require cleanup.


An irrigation system is critical for the ongoing health of every aspect of the landscape. It ensures that every planting receives the proper amount of moisture and at the correct time. It reduces the work required to keep plants healthy and will save individuals a significant amount of money on water bills. There’s no guesswork with an irrigation system and it eliminates overwatering or underwatering.


Every plant has its own specific nutritional needs and obtains those nutrients through the soil. Over time, plantings can deplete the natural nutrients in the soil. Fertilization is the way to replenish nutrients.

Even completely new landscapes can benefit from fertilization as the soil may have deficiencies in nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium. It will give new plantings a boost of nutrients to help them root well and grow. Care is critical when using fertilizer to prevent over-fertilization that can burn plants.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Need Landscaping Ideas? Take a Drive

Those that are at a loss with what to do with their landscape have only to take a drive to see dozens of ideas that can easily fit their current environment, along with those that can be scaled up or down to accommodate larger or smaller properties.

Individuals will find original options by professional designers, along with those of non-professionals that have an eye for design. Ideas are available for individuals that have extensive time to spend on landscaping and low-maintenance landscaping options that required little work to maintain.

Artificial Turf

For those that like a flawless green lawn but don’t want to spend every weekend mowing, try artificial grass. It can be obtained in varying gradations of green and multiple heights to accommodate any preference.

Less Lawn

The less lawn that an environment has, the less tending and mowing there will be. That means patios and other elements that only requires an occasional sweeping to keep them looking great. Pavers and custom designed stonework provide an excellent gathering place for family and friends. Hardscapes such as falls and fountains have the ability to provide a relaxing environment.


Consider planting perennials for a gift of blossoms that returns each year. There are dozens of species that provide the bright colors of annuals, without the fuss of planting them anew each year. Individuals can also select easy care ground covers to eliminate weeds on hills and slopes.

Native plants that are adapted to the South Florida climate are more resistant to the depredations of insects, weeds and wildlife. Consider mulching with small stones and gravel to control weeds and provide a point of interest. When planning a landscape, less is more and there’s no reason to cram plants together in a small space. A few strategically placed plants make a powerful impact.


There’s an endless variety of trees and shrubs that can be planted to provide shade and beautiful blossoms. Be careful when making selections, as some can litter the ground with faded flowers and dropped fruit. Another consideration is the mature height and spread that has the potential to interfere with foundations and utility lines above and below ground.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Pros and Cons of DIY Landscaping

There are small and simple jobs of landscaping that people are able to handle themselves with no problem such as mulching or planting a tree, shrub or flowers. However, for more extensive projects, unless an individual has skill or experience in that area, a DIY project can quickly go awry. There are pros and cons to a DIY project, that includes the following.


A DIY project is always going to be less expensive than hiring a professional and individuals often have the assistance of spouses, children or friends to help save on costs. A professional landscaping company is more costly, but they always have the manpower required for the job to complete it quickly and efficiently.


Landscaping is good exercise, gets people out in the fresh air, and working with plants is therapeutic. A potential drawback, however, is if an individual has asthma, allergies or some other type of respiratory difficult.


Older individuals may feel up to doing their own work, but health concerns, stamina and physical strength can be an obstacle.

Tools and Equipment

Depending on the project, specialized tools or equipment may be required that the average person doesn’t have. Many types of equipment can be rented, but individuals may also be faced with a learning curve in their operation. Landscapers have the tools and equipment needed.


The average individual doesn’t have the knowledge required to determine if a plant is invasive or will thrive in any specific location. Landscapers are knowledgeable about different plants, their unique needs, the best location for a specific plant, and its ongoing care.


It’s always going to take more time to complete a DIY project than when hiring a professional. What individuals estimate as a few hours project can easily require multiple weekends to finish. Combined with that is the time investment required for maintenance and upkeep. A professional landscaping company makes short work of the entire process, from installation and maintenance to removal if necessary.

RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Keeping Roses in Florida

Many Florida residents long for the sight and scent of roses in their garden. Getting roses to grow in Florida can be done, but it’s not an easy undertaking. The very weather conditions that people seek to enjoy can actively conspire against growing them.


Roses need to be planted in full sun where they’ll receive 6-8 hours of sun each day. However, the afternoon sun in Florida can be too hot for the plants. An ideal location is a place where they’ll receive the majority of their light requirements from morning sun and a limited amount of afternoon sun.


Roses are deep and heavy feeders. Their roots can easily extend 15 inches or more down into the soil. They also don’t like to be planted near the roots of other plants, though they don’t seem to mind growing near the roots of other roses.


The soil should be well-drained – roses don’t like wet feet. The plants like loamy soils and black dirt rich in organic matter. Those conditions can be difficult to accommodate in the garden without amendments to the soil or the assistance of a landscaper. It’s led many people to grow them in containers.


A drip or soaker hose system is best for roses. It enables water to be placed at ground level near the root system where it’s needed. The humid climate can lead to powdery mildew and leaf spot if they’re watered from above.


The type of rose is also important. Most people envision tea roses, but gardeners can also choose from miniatures, floribundas, grandifloras, polyanthas, shrub types and climbers, along with tree roses that have been grafted and trained to grow into tree form. Some withstand the Florida climate better than others.

Insect Pests

Roses are subject to damage by the same types of insect pests as other plants. They’re especially attractive to Japanese beetles and nematodes. A new pest and an emerging threat introduced from Asia, Africa, and Oceania is the chilli thrip. The insect isn’t fussy about what it consumes and typically damages buds and leaves. It’s best to call a landscape professional if an infestation occurs.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Can you Cut your Grass too Short?

If you’re experiencing brown outs and bare spots in your lawn, you may be cutting the grass too short. Like any plant, grass requires a certain amount of available green growth to remain healthy. Shorter isn’t always best when it comes to lawns. You should only be removing about 1/3 of the grass blade each time you mow, which makes the optimal grass height for mowing about 3 2/3 inches.

When you cut your grass too often and leave it too short, you’re setting the stage for a myriad of problems to develop and they only grow worse over time. If the damage is severe and has been going on for a while, you may have to reseed the lawn.

Many people mistakenly believe that fertilizing the lawn will alleviate the problem. Instead, it can burn the lawn. If the damage isn’t too severe, fertilizing will make it grow lusher and lead to a vicious cycle of additional growth and mowing, while failing to address the original problem.

Lawns that are too short are ripe for the invasion of weeds and damage from heat. Grass that’s too short doesn’t have the necessary energy reserves from the roots for growth. The blades of grass will weaken and can even lead to its demise with no hope of coming back.

It’s also important to keep mower blades sharp to create a clean cut and prevent grass blades from being torn and shredded. The frayed ends of grass will turn brown and leaves the lawn vulnerable to a variety of diseases that can be expensive to address. Grass that’s growing in shaded areas can benefit from being left at a slightly longer height when mowing.

Cutting your grass too short will deplete root resources. If the brown spots in your lawn are the result of cutting too short, they can grow back if they’re only a few inches across but the process will be slow.

The best solution is to increase the blade height of your mower, even if it means mowing more frequently. Alternately, you can hire a professional lawn care service that has a deep understanding of lawn grass and can establish an appropriate lawn mowing schedule.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Signs of a Stressed Lawn

A beautiful, healthy lawn is an invitation to play. However, lawns can become stressed for any number of reasons. Many individuals try to address the situation on their own, but doing so can exacerbate the problem. It’s best to consult with a professional that has the knowledge and experience to diagnose the underlying cause and treat it accordingly.

A stressed lawn can take many forms and the same symptoms can be the result of different causes. Heat, over or under watering, drought, weeds, insects, the need for aeration, and even excessive foot traffic can cause a lawn to brown, weaken, and look unkempt. Improper fertilization and mowing practices can actually harm a lawn.

Brown or Bare Spots

Depending on the cause and the stage of stress the lawn is under, the tips on grass blades may begin to turn brown. Similarly, spots within the lawn that turn brown or become bare may be a sign of stress from an insect infestation.

Color Change

Grass will often turn colors when stressed. It may turn a darker shade of green or take on a gray hue.

Curling and Wilting

Grass that’s stressed will typically curl, try to fold in half long ways, or wilt to save itself from whatever is challenging its ability to survive.

Grass Doesn’t Spring Back

The footprint test is easy to conduct and is a sure indication of a stressed lawn. Footprints that remain visible long after someone has walked on the grass is a sure sign of stress. Even the popular and hardy St. Augustine grass can suffer stress from multiple causes.


When homeowners begin to notice weeds popping up in their formerly great looking lawn, it’s a sure sign that the lawn isn’t getting what it needs for lush growth that will aid in drowning out the weeds.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Warm Weather Perennials

One of the best things about perennials is that they’re planted once and they come back year after year. They deserve a special place in every landscape and depending on the selection, they’re equally appropriate as specimen plants, in beds, and as groundcovers. They can even be planted by bloom times to create a continuous cascade of flowers.

South Florida’s climate provides gardeners with a wide variety of perennial selections from which to choose. There are literally dozens of perennials that offer bountiful blossoms and a rainbow of colors. Many also act as magnets to honeybees, butterflies and hummingbirds.


The darlings of gardeners everywhere, in South Florida they provide interest year-round. They’re bountiful bloomers in shades of red, white, yellow, orange, and pink. Begonias can be used as hanging plants or in containers, trailing types can be trained to climb, and they can be planted directly into beds. They’re offered in single and double flowering types.


The plant can grow up to 3 ft. tall with flowers that can range from peach and apricot to vivid orange. It’s a prolific bloomer with some species that prefers partial shade, while others do best with full sun. They’re highly attractive to butterflies.

Egyptian Star Flower

The flowers appear in clusters of red, blue, pink and lavender. They’re heat tolerant, prolific bloomers, and will need 4-6 hours of full sun each day. Growing 18-22 inches in height, they’re also disease resistant and are particularly attractive to bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

Shrimp Plant

Shrimp plant is available in pink to salmon colored varieties, along with golden shrimp plant that has bright, yellow flower bracts and white blossoms. It prefers full sun, but can withstand partial shade. Depending on the variety, it can range in height from 18-48 inches. Butterflies find the golden variety especially attractive.

Flowers for Every Need

There are dozens of perennial flower varieties that will thrive in South Florida’s climate and offer months of beautiful blossoms. Many also have the benefit of providing a valuable food source for hummingbirds and pollinators that include bees and butterflies. Gardeners are really only limited to what their imaginations can envision.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

Contact RCH Landscaping Today for a Free Estimate


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