Archives for Commercial Landscaping

lawn pest control

Common Yard Pests that can Destroy your Landscape

A great range of insect pests live and thrive in South Florida’s tropics-like climate and an infestation can decimate the landscape. Some will attack lawns, while others will gravitate directly to the foliage or flowers of specific plants. A well-cared for landscape can be irresistible to insect pests.


Often referred to as plant lice, they can be red, green, black, brown or purple. They multiple readily and typically feed on leaves and stems. They’re indiscriminate eaters, sucking the sap from any type of plant growth. Aphids secrete a sugary liquid called honeydew that provides an ideal environment for the growth of a fungus called sooty mold.


They’re the larval form of a moth, primarily attacking blades of grass, but they’ll also settle for vegetables. The striped worms are voracious and can defoliate a lawn within a matter of days.

Coconut Mealybugs

Like aphids, they suck the juices from plants and leave excrement upon which sooty mold grows.

Japanese Beetles

One of the most voracious and destructive insects to ever invade the U.S., Japanese beetles are not picky eaters and will destroy landscapes in short order. The grubs thrive in moist soil and are very active in warm temperatures that prevail in South Florida.

Mole Crickets

Some species eat plant materials, while others will feed on a combination of greenery and other insects. The primary cause of damage caused by mole crickets is through their burrowing habits that disturb roots.

Spider Mites

Very small and sometimes difficult to see, species come in different colors. They typically leave fine strands of silk-like webbing on plants they infest. They feed on foliage and suck sap from plants.

Slugs and Snails

Both types of pests prefer young, tender growth for their meals, but are equally able to derive sustenance from decomposing plant matter. They’re indiscriminate feeders.

White Grubs

Commonly known as white grubs – a generic term – these pests are the larvae of scarab beetle species. They feed on the roots of a wide range of lawn grasses and it can be difficult to diagnose which species of larvae is in residence without professional expertise.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Using Color to Design Your Landscape

Professional landscapers and designers utilize a color wheel when creating projects for their clients and you can do the same. It’s important to note that professionals also consider other principles encompassing scale, texture, form, proportion, and line in their creations. They visualize how the plants will appear during their yearly transitional phases for a complete sense of unity.

Interplay of Color

No landscape is a solid shade of color. The foliage of each tree, bush, vine, and flower has its own hue of green. It’s important to consider how each shade of green will appear next to each other to create contrast and unity.

The Color Wheel

The wheel is divided into four different color categories. They are the primary colors of red, yellow and blue; secondary colors of green, purple and orange; tertiary colors that are a blend of the first two categories; and neutral colors of white, gray and silver. Some categories of colors only appear at certain times of the year, depending upon the planting.

Warm and Cool Colors

Colors can be categorized into warm vs. cool colors. They can be used to influence the mood of a landscape. Blue, green, and purple are cool colors that are calming and relaxing. Warm colors are red, yellow and orange that are exciting, refreshing, and rejuvenating in nature. All the colors can be used in specific ways. Warm and cool color combinations can make a small yard appear larger, while combinations of warm colors will have the opposite effect.

Contrast or Unity

A single color group can be used throughout an area for unity. Colors that are directly across from each other on the color wheel can create a unique form of unity of complementary pairing. Harshly contrasting colors can be jarring, but planting a transitional color between the two can help bridge the gap and make it less so.


Whites, creams, and grays are the neutrals and can be used in various ways. They can create a softening effect for warm colors or be utilized exclusively as part of a monochromatic color scheme. Gardens of white and cream are often called moon gardens and designed for nighttime viewing as they appear ethereal by moonlight.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Advantages of Mulch in Flower Beds

Mulch isn’t just a material to be placed around trees to protect their trunk or to create garden paths. Mulch has a wealth of applications that are practical in nature that will make less work for gardeners, enrich the soil, and aid in plant growth and development.

Individuals can choose from multiple types of mulch ranging from shredded bark and wood chips to landscape fabrics and stones. Some are more effective in specific locations than others and gardeners will need to weigh the aesthetic appeal of each against their individual preferences and whether they want organic or inorganic mulch.

One of the most important functions of mulch is that it helps retain moisture, which means less time watering for those that are doing so by hand. It’s also beneficial for those with an irrigation system. Flower beds will require less watering and that means savings on water bills.

Mulch is an effective means of minimizing weeds and keeping them at bay. That means a lot less weeding and nutrients go to the plants for more lush growth. It’s inevitable that an occasional weed will find its way into the bed and when it does, and it can easily be plucked out without any harm to the plants.

Some types of mulch break down over time, thereby enriching the soil. That means a healthier environment for the plants and it’s particularly beneficial for areas where soil composition is poor and fertility is low.

Mulch enhances the esthetic appeal of flower beds and aids in protecting them from trimmers and lawnmowers. Some types of mulch also have the ability to inhibit and even repel invasions by fleas, ticks and gnats into the landscape.

There’s a wealth of choices when it comes to mulch and each comes with its own price point. Gardeners will want to examine selections carefully to determine the best type if they’re doing the work themselves. For extensive flower beds, it’s often more convenient to hire a landscaping service that can assist in choosing the best mulch to accommodate aesthetic preferences, soil needs, and budget.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Use a Landscaper to Add Home Value

Landscaping is far more difficult than it appears. The professionals make it look easy due to their extensive experience. They also bring an enormous amount of technical knowledge to landscaping projects. A professional will know the composition of the soil and what plants will grow best in it. They can create and install irrigation systems tailored to a specific location.

A landscaper will know what plants to use, based on an individual’s preferences, such as low-maintenance, water saving, or one that’s attractive to butterflies. Landscapers know how to frame a property to make it stand out, while adhering to local standards. They’ll also be able to pull all the numerous permits required for a landscaping project.

Individuals will see some immediate benefits and value after a landscaping project is completed, but landscaping is also an endeavor that pays dividends over time. There’s only one opportunity to make a good first impression and that’s particularly important if a home owner anticipates selling a property in the future. A properly landscaped home provides enhanced curb appeal.

Most individuals cultivate plants they like or that catch their eye in the moment. It can lead to an overgrown, cluttered, disorganized, and incoherent appearance. A landscaping professional leaves nothing to chance. They preplan every aspect of the environment, down to the smallest detail, with a vision to how it will look in the future as the plants grow and evolve.

Landscapes require a certain amount of tending and maintenance, even those that are easy-care. The needs of homeowners change over the years, along with their ability and available time they can devote to tasks. A landscaper can take an individual’s vision for their ultimate landscape and pair it with specific needs to arrive at a solution that’s beautiful and functional.

A mature landscape is one that adds more value to a home than a newly completed project. It’s just one of the reasons that individuals should plan early in their property ownership for appropriate landscaping. When it’s time to sell, the landscape will provide buyers with an immediate impression of a property that’s been well-maintained and add significantly to the purchase price of any home.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Best Time of Year to Add Sod

There’s no reason to spread grass seed, add fertilizer, and water in the hope of sprouting a new lawn when adding sod is so much easier and provides a lush carpet of ready-made grass. The best time to lay sod in Florida is typically April through July. Those times allow the grass to settle and grow for an entire season before cooler weather arrives.

Sod is grass that’s already been planted and grown in soil. The grass roots are very dense and helps hold the sod together while it’s manipulated, cut, and laid down in its ultimate destination. It’s most commonly available in rolls that have been precut into one long slab and are rolled out into the desired area, but precut squares that are laid down individually are also offered by some landscapers for spot jobs.

Sod is an excellent solution for anyone that wants to enjoy their lawn immediately rather than enduring the time it takes for a seeded lawn to grow. The time sod is added will also depend on the type of grass desired. Some types prefer certain conditions to get the best start when it’s first planted, while others can be planted almost any time. St. Augustine grass, for example, should be laid when nighttime temperatures are between 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit.

The sod will require light yet frequent watering for the first two to three weeks after it’s laid to help it set and begin growing in its new environment. Fertilizer shouldn’t be applied until at least 60 days have passed and a sodded lawn shouldn’t be mowed for at least three to four weeks.

Laying sod in the early spring or autumn won’t provide the grass with the temperatures required for vigorous growth. Roots go dormant and growth stops when soil temperatures are 55 degrees or less. Planted at the right time and with proper care, individuals can enjoy an instant lawn that will grow even thicker and lusher as the year progresses.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Weed Control Options

No one wants weeds in their lawn, flowerbeds, drives or walkways. There are multiple ways to control the unwelcome visitors ranging from preventative to chemical and many are complementary. There’s no single method that works best in all conditions or environments and some are harmful to people, pets and plants. It’s best to get professional assistance to determine the best options for each individual situation.


These consist of bacteria, fungi, insects, and microscopic nematodes to control and destroy weeds. They’re effective, but can have unwanted and unintended effects if not utilized properly. They should only be employed by a professional.


Weed-killing chemicals are available in multiple forms and they’re effective. They’re also harmful to kids, pets, and the people applying them. There’s a time and place for chemical options and a landscape professional should be consulted.


The physical barrier is a simple solution that’s also cost effective. It prevents weed roots from breaching the barrier and entering flower beds or overgrowing driveways and walkways.


A groundcover is great for areas that are difficult to reach with a mower and its dense growth helps choke out weeds. Groundcovers are available in varying heights, many of which are adorned with colorful blooms that attract bees and butterflies.

Landscape Fabric

This is the foundation of weed control before plants are installed in the ground. A layer of landscape fabric – with or without a layer of mulch – aids in preventing weeds from sprouting in the first place.


An application of mulch helps prevent weed growth, keeps soil cooler, and aids in moisture retention.


These methods include everything from vinegar or salt water solutions, the application of specific minerals, rock salt, and even boiling water to kill weeds. The drawbacks are that they can affect desirable plants, erode and stain brick and concrete surfaces, and create areas where plants won’t grow at all for long periods.

Sunlight Deprivation

Every plant needs light to live, even weeds. Depriving them of the sun’s rays will eventually kill them. People used newspapers covered in mulch in the past to block the sun. A similar technique using modern materials will work just as well and is primarily used for flower beds.


Whether you’re using a rototiller or a trowel, both methods break up and soil disrupt the root growth of weeds. It’s more time intensive, but it’s effective over time and also helps aerate the soil.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Unique Looking Trees for South Florida

Most are familiar with the shape of maples, oaks and flowering pear trees. There are some unusual trees native to countries around the world that can be grown in Florida due to the state’s unique climate. The trees have unusual appearances, growth habits, and histories that make them well worth the effort. It’s important before planting any species to ensure it’s not invasive.


The first impression when people see a Baobab tree is that it was planted upside down. The effect is heightened when the tree sheds it leaves. It can be grown in South Florida, but may be tricky. It’s often referred to as the “Tree of Life” since it can live thousands of years. The trunks can hold several gallons of water and in its native Africa, it’s tapped and plugged for water.

Dawn Redwood

A holdover from prehistoric times and once thought to be extinct, it’s a deciduous tree that looks like an evergreen and has a distinctly pyramidal shape. The tree’s needles turn yellow and rust red each year before dropping. The hardy tree regrows its foliage each spring. It’s the smallest of the redwood species and can even survive northern winters.

Dragon’s Blood Tree

A native of the Socotra archipelago, it’s technically not a tree and gets its name from the red sap it produces. Its upturned canopy resembles an umbrella. Scientists classify the tree as a remnant of the Mio-Pliocene Laurasian forests that are almost entirely extinct.

Jabuticaba Tree

It’s an ordinary looking tree native to Brazil – until it produces fruit. Hairy white blooms give way to black fruit that grows in the branches and along the trunk. If conditions are right, it can fruit several times a year and many use the fruits to make juice or wine.

Rainbow Eucalyptus

This isn’t a tree to be grown in limited space as it can grow up to 250 ft. tall and is one of the fastest growing in the world. It gets its name from the strange coloration it displays when its bark is shed and each layer can be a different color. Over time, it returns to its natural brown hue before repeating the process. It has leaves that are more than six inches long that are aromatic when crushed and small white flowers when in bloom. It doesn’t tolerate frost.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Lighting Can Make Your Yard Stand Out

One of the most under-utilized and misunderstood components of landscaping is lighting. It has the ability to beautify properties, increase curb appeal, and improve security. The installation of an outdoor lighting system can be used as accent lighting for unique plant specimens and to create dramatic effects for pools, fountains and waterfalls.

A well-lit yard is an effective deterrent to intruders and trespassers. Properties can be tastefully and artfully illuminated, while still remaining unattractive to those up to no good. It requires proper positioning to ensure the yard is lit without being a distraction, while eliminating shadowy areas in which people can conceal themselves.

At the same time, adding an outdoor illumination system also increases curb appeal. It’s essential for entryways to be well-lighted. It makes the home look inviting, welcoming, and it’s easier to see anyone that approaches the door after dark. It’s an important component of safety for friends and family so they don’t trip or fall on steps, stairs or other potential hazards.

Homes with unusual or unique architectural features can benefit from lighting that highlights rockwork, pillars and similar items. There are specific tricks to getting the lighting angled correctly so it showcases rather than making those features look garish. The same is true for garden attributes. Select lighting options are an effective way to highlight specific items within the landscape such as statuary, waterfalls, pools, and topiaries.

Lighting in any environment is important and especially so when highlighting homes or landscape features. There’s a myriad of selections from which to choose and the best way to know all the options is to seek the services of a landscape lighting designer. He/she can create a single illumination plan to accomplish safety, curb appeal and beautification, while maintaining the character of the home and surrounding landscape.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Regular Property Maintenance is Essential to your Business

The exterior of any property directly influences the way individuals perceive a business whether it’s a retail operation, rental property, industrial complex, or commercial endeavor. Properties that are aesthetically pleasing to view attract more clients and customers. It’s one of the most important aspects of property management for any enterprise.

Property management involves much more than a pleasing appearance, though that’s a definite consideration. A well-maintained property projects a sense of quality, safety, and respectability. That image can be projected by maintaining the exterior of structures and surrounding grounds. Property is an asset and regular maintenance enhances its value and is an important means of promoting the business.

Maintenance also ensures the safety of all that enter the premises. Accidents are an inevitable part of life and appropriate maintenance substantially reduces the potential for a lawsuit should employees or clients be injured.

Keeping people happy is a full-time job when operating any type of business. It pays off through the acquisition of more clients and a workforce that’s more productive. That’s the beauty and value of maintaining properties in top condition. Employees enjoy coming to work, renters are more likely to become long-term tenants, and customers are eager to recommend the business to family and friends.

Regular maintenance encompasses a variety of things. It means that green spaces are mowed and well-kept, which can involve the installation of an irrigation system that will also save time and money. Any damage or vandalism to exteriors is repaired promptly and it can include the installation of fences for ornamentation and safety.

Don’t overlook the advantages of mini-makeovers and upgrades. They can radically change the appearance and perception of any property, whether it’s a new coat of paint, planting some trees and flowers, or installing decorative touches. Custom designs can be created to accommodate any need that will also serve to increase the value of the property.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

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Weed Control! Is it Even Possible?

There are hundreds of places where weeds can crop up. Good weed control begins with appropriate precautions. There are numerous methods that can be utilized to minimize weed growth in lawns, flowerbeds and gardens that that doesn’t rely on chemicals.

Till the Soil

Tilling and turning the soil between plants makes it more difficult for weeds to root. It’s a strategy that should only be performed by landscaping professionals. They have the knowledge and experience to do so without inadvertently spreading weed seeds.


In addition to impeding weed growth, mulching aids in retaining moisture for desirable plants. As the mulch breaks down and decomposes, it contributes to the health of the soil.

Landscape Fabric/Plastic Sheets

Landscape fabric is constructed with very tiny holes that allow water to flow through to the soil while blocking shoots from weeds. It’s best used in conjunction with mulch. Plastic sheeting can be laid in flower beds to block weed growth. Cutouts in the plastic allow for the planting of desirable plants in specific ways.


Using edging around plant beds and along drives and walkways prevents weeds from sending roots into unwanted areas and spreading.

Autumn Care

Many common weeds are dead by the autumn. Reseeding a lawn is one method that can be employed in the fall to help combat weeds. As the grass seed germinates and attempts to spread its roots, it will help block weeds that are trying to rejuvenate themselves and make it more difficult for them to take root in the spring.

It’s essential that the seeds from weeds not be allowed to be disseminated to sow themselves in other locations. The best way to accomplish that is by eliminating them before they have time to flower and spread or by burning stalks. A single dandelion has the ability to produce 15,000 seeds every year and they have a high germination rate.

A thick and healthy lawn will reduce the growth of weeds through the simply expedient of crowding them out. Groundcovers are also an option to minimize weeds. The truth is that weeds exploit any open area. There’s no way to completely and permanently prevent weeds, but they can be significantly reduced.

RCH Landscaping is a full service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install, and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians have an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida.

Contact RCH Landscaping Today for a Free Estimate


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